Wisteria History of Wisteria Timeline
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History of Wisteria

The story of the creation, destruction, and re-creation of Wisteria

Before Dawn War

... 0 BDW

Gods ruled the world, and islands were still being created.

  • -2124 BDW

    First Class of The Dawn Council Inducted
    Gathering / Conference

    The Dawn Council's first meeting. Adrax becomes a Rose.

  • -2099 BDW

    Creation of the Crystals of Sin
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Power Crystals, used to give unbelievable power to the Roses, are bestowed by the gods.

  • -17 BDW

    The Dawn War

    The war which ultimately resulted in the gods exiling themselves from Wisteria. See The Dawn War.

  • 0 BDW

    The Keepers

    The Keepers are founded to keep the peace and facilitate the free spread of information following Dawn War. Initially solely played the role of knowledge keepers until around 500, when The Dragon Slayers' rise to prominence required hiding.

After Dawn War

0 BDW and beyond

Starting with the Dawn War, the era of banished gods and elemental kingdoms

  • 0 ADW

    The Keepers

    The Keepers are founded to keep the peace and facilitate the free spread of information following Dawn War. Initially solely played the role of knowledge keepers until around 500, when The Dragon Slayers' rise to prominence required hiding.

  • 37 ADW

    562 ADW

    The Reirun Empire

    The dragonborn Reirun Empire's founding. Eventually crushed by Ignis.

  • 103 ADW

    The Commonwealth of Ignis

    The founding of The Commonwealth of Ignis. It remained quite small until the 300s, when it began to expand its borders.

  • 301 ADW

    14 /7

    Destruction of Strahd
    Life, Death

    Strahd von Zarovich is killed, and Devil's Bane succeeds in the ritual to bring his Dark Power, Vampyr, physically to Barovia. Vampyr, as well as the avatars of Taar Haak and Kaiji, fight each other and the party for control over Barovia. Ultimately, the party succeeds, destroying Vampyr and Taar Haak, and imprisoning Kaiji within an amber sarcophagus. Although Eliyen, Ka'arn, and Issac are killed, Appia lives on to help Raul and Mora rebuild their homes before escaping back to Wisteria.

    Additional timelines
  • 412 ADW

    The Enclaves of Aurea

    The first interaction with the "founding" members of The Enclaves of Aurea, the monks of Deitner Abbey.

  • 463 ADW

    The Kingdom of Terra

    The founding of The Kingdom of Terra under King Renart the Dawnbringer in response to the expansion of Ignis.

  • 501 ADW

    Pandora's Box is opened
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The events of Maluen's downfall unfold, climaxing in the opening of Pandora's Box and the release of thePower Crystals.

  • 607 ADW

    The Federation of Aquela

    Following the fall of The Reirun Empire, The Federation of Aquela was founded by The Ooskan as a defensive alliance against Ignis.

  • 1107 ADW

    31 /3

    Destruction of the Portal of Fire
    Disaster / Destruction

    Using the crystal of Greed, Adrax destroys the Portal of Fire and the crystal along with it. The resulting spew of fire, lava, and ash lights Said ablaze. The barriers restricting interdimensional travel begin to fade for the first time.

    Additional timelines