Ilhalvalaut Organization in Waking Materia | World Anvil
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A Millennia-Old Eladrin Civilization, Federated with the Drow

Ilhalvalaut (Old Eladrin: "Under the Grace of Illu") is the fourth-largest continent of the Broken Empire, located Voidward of the Allesans. It is host to both the largest surviving eladrin and surfacer hecath civilizations on Waking Materia. The island happened to be in an area that was sheltered from the Deluge's tsunamis, and is now a thriving, relatively advanced society with a deep well of historical knowledge. It is one of few Waking cultures that can be traced all the way back to the Great Fractionation of the First Age.

The nation's demonym is Ilautian and its main language is Ilautian, though sometimes outsider cultures simply call it Eladrin. Old Sylvan is still the language used by the nation's leading clergy, who represent all three aspects of Ahm, God of Eternity, whom the Eladrin call Illu, First Leaf to Fall. Ilautian society is strongly tied to Ahmite theo-philosophical concepts around the cyclicity of life: birth to old age, morning to night, spring to winter, et cetera.

Ilhalvalaut's capital is the astounding arborial city of Numarasalviat. At about 60,000 people, the city represents about one third of the continent's total populace.  


The Broken Empire
And its myriad peripheries.


  See also: Image Gallery: Fashion & Scenery of Ilhalvalaut (External)
Ilhalvalaut is the fourth largest continent in the archipelago, after Gondara, the Lorent and Zvaal. The Ilautians control some two dozen habitable islands surrounding it. The main continent is shaped like a large, sideways 'H', with the Coreward stretches separated from the Voidward stretches by a narrow, mountainous connection. The Voidward body is dominated by humid, swampy jungles and floodplains. Particularly famous are the Intestines of Uril: a vast expanse of intertwining rivers so named because they resemble the innards of a giant; in this case the being referenced is a Moon Titan of Eladrin lore, who fell from his home in the sky after being slain by the Sword of Eventide. (There is considerable debate in theological circles about what a "moon" is, and why it was in the sky.)  

Major Population Centres

Major population centres are as follows:

  • Numarasalviat (capital)
  • Khorsailhanaut
  • Mistaravant
  • Excaliace
  • Brightbosk (neutral territory with the hobbits of Rhosgobel)


Most of the population are Meranthic elves, of them mostly eladrin. There is also a significant (~20%) population of drow and mixed drow-eladrin citizenry, who are now mostly integrated despite a long history of war between the two cultures. Smaller Meranthic human and halfling populations exist as well.

The only surviving population of the original, surfacer species of First Age hecath are found in the far Voidward jungles of the continent. These intelligent, fungal insectoids have a mostly cordial relationship with the elves, who leave much of the diplomacy up to clerics of the Swords of Morningtide, a largely benevolent group that seeks to coexist with nature in all its forms. The hecath's total population is unknown, but is thought to be host to at least two demigodlike Queens, usually hosted by a couple dozen intelligent Symbionts and perhaps a thousand unpartnered Saprolings and Dragonmoths.  


Ilautian names bear a stunning resemblance to ancient Egwithian names recorded in the First Empire, particularly around the ancient metropolis of Alanthan'aravaut. The ruins found around Ilhalvalaut fit the meagre descriptions of Alanthian architecture well enough, though much of the First Empire's surviving literature is military rather than civilian, so more work needs to be done to confirm this connection.  

Sample Names

Masculine: Lavellan, Estinien, Absimiliard, Mildaurion, Seltolverand, Innaarsuit, Ertai, Selanias, Eladamri
Feminine: Sivitri, Kaunisari, Inunvieli, Nierika, Himadri, Inavatra, Silfiel, Iyaleen, Shirei  


Scholars of all backgrounds journey to Ilhalvalaut to explore their libraries and museums. This the resident eladrin and drow welcome, but with merited caution due to the depradations of the Old Juran Empire (though the far-Voidwestern Ilhalvalaut was spared the brunt of Jura's march from the far East). Ilautian smiths also draw clients in the martial fields as they are possibly the only Material humanoids who have retained knowledge on mythril, a metallic substance famed for its light weight and durability.

The elves of the Voidwest have the warmest and historically deepest relationship with the halflings of Rhosgobel, another sub-archipelago directly to the East. It was a protectorate of Ilhalvalaut during the Wars of Juran Aggression, and the two continue to have popular intercultural events, some of which draw visitors from the entire archipelago, even the reclusive Autumn Enari.  

The Triple-M

Perhaps the biggest tourist draw on the greater archipelago, the Midsummer Minstrels' Moot (usually called the "Triple-M") is an international festival of bardic symposiums and performances, centred around a single, grand contest for best performer of the cycle. It is hosted in the Ilautian capital of Numarasalviat, usually about one year into each summer season. Performances are held in taverns, community halls, temples of Morningtide and anywhere else suitable, whereupon viewers are asked to submit a simple rating of 1-5 to the venue's host. The performer with the highest average score is the champion, and is gifted with the grand prize of their own songbook, gilded in colored mythril and written by the finest Nyxian scribes. The only condition is that the scribes may make additional copies for their own musical libraries. Regardless material prizes, the victor is usually rewarded a stable career as some music-minded nobleman's personal feste.

All are welcome to the Triple-M, even member countries of the former Juran Empire. Some events even draw performers from the Broken Empire's more reclusive cultures, like the Zvaalite arakh and Autumn enari. Only the remote Saska'atch people of Aukslanding and the savage Baraka of the Howling Fantods have remained completely absent.
Profile: An Ilautian cleric of the Sword of Eventide (Top). An Ilautian lowland ranger (Bottom).
Banner: The capital city of Numarasalviat (Left; illus. Kleiner Hai). An Ilautian highguard (Right; illus. Micah Epstein)
Geopolitical, Magocracy

Cover image: by Micah Epstein (Left)


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Apr 25, 2024 20:30

I love the "Tripple M" bit. As a person who basically lives with headphones strapped to his head, I think this is a great addition to any world.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16