Head of Peacekeeper Command Rank/Title in Vellikka | World Anvil

Head of Peacekeeper Command

"No two Heads of Peacekeeper Command are the same, and yet they all have something in common; a selfless desire to dedicate their life to the betterment of The Alliance.   What a universe this would be, if we were all more like them."  
— Extract from A Brief and Glorious Introduction to The Alliance
by Peacekeeper M'Plisk  


In order to qualify for consideration as Head of Peacekeeper Command, a person must have completed the following qualifications and positions:
  • Min 6 years at Peacekeeper Academy, including 90% or higher in all Foundations Courses
  • Command Route:
    1. Min 10 years working within Peacekeeper Command in Command Logistics within one of the system commands.
    2. Min 5 years working as Head of Command for one of the four solar systems within Peacekeeper Territories.
    3. Min 10 years working as Head of Command Logistics.
  • Executive Route:
    1. Min 10 years working within Peacekeeper Command in Executive branch within one of the bureaucratic departments.
    2. Min 5 years working as 'Head of' for one of the bureaucratic departments.
    3. Min 10 years working as Executive Assistant.
  • Unorthodox Route:
    1. Min 10 years working within one of the Three Pillar organisations (Peacekeeper Diplomacy, Peacekeeper Efficiency or Peacekeeper Integrity) and not any of the subsiduary organisations (such as The Academy or Media Outlets).
    2. Min 5 years working as 'Director of' one of the principle departments within the same Three Pillar organisation.
    3. Min 10 years working as 'Head of' the same Three Pillar organisation.


In order to become the Head of Peacekeeper Command, a person must demonstrate all of the following qualities:  
While six years at The Academy and all of the other requirements go a long way to proving intelligence, the individual must also show a willingness to learn and ideally an awareness and acceptance of the limitations of their own intelligence.
In order to reach the stage where an individual is being considered for this position, they have likely had to use their initiative countless times. However, they must demonstrate it as well as how they will use it to the betterment of The Alliance. No one wants a complacement Head of Command.
Strategic thinking is crucial as part of this role. An individual will have to be able to take the ultimate holistic view of any situation and be aware of all the moving peices in order to maneuver them into a beneficial position. They must be able to transition from details to long-term and back again, and know which is appropriate when.
Obviously, the Head of Peacekeeper Command has a lot of power behind them, but they must also be able to demonstrate their diplomatic ability, as sometimes strong-arming someone into doing something isn't as effective as making them believe they want to do that same thing. Managing relationships internally and externally is very much part of the role.
This is more than time-keeping. An individual must demonstrate that they understand not only where to dedicate their own time and resource but the efforts of the entire Alliance. This means streamlined processes and an awareness of hurdles before they become issues.
An individual must show that they have a commitment to The Peacekeeper Alliance and eveything that entails. It is easy to be corrupted by power. Taking a little something for yourself is fine, as long as The Alliance gets more than enough.


The Head of Peacekeeper Command is responsible for the entire Alliance. They are the king, CEO and judge of everything which occurs within the Peacekeeper Territories. Their overarching responsibilities include:
  • Maintaining a high quality of life for those working within The Alliance
  • Maintaining an acceptable quality of life for those living within Peacekeeper Territories
  • Ensuring the success and continued growth of The Peacekeeper Alliance
  • Bringing new planets and territories into the The Alliance


The organisation now known as Peacekeeper Command was founded on 1 One 400PT under the name Primian Command. In that form it was lead by 5 representatives who made up a council of sorts and lead the command by semi-democratic decision.   When The Alliance was formed in 791PT, the name was officially changed to Peacekeeper Command. It was at this point that one of the then council members, Peacekeeper Kin Ch'aln, observed that the council (which by then had grown to 14 people) could be much more efficient were it reduced to a single decision maker. He re-designed the internal processes within Peacekeeper Command and established himself as the first Head of Peacekeeper Command.  

Cultural Significance

Head of Peacekeeper Command is the most powerful position within The Alliance and therefore across all Peacekeeper Territories. While the person in this position is not necessarily treated like a king or a president, there is still a level of deference and respect which comes with the role.   Also, unlike a king, they are unlikely to appear in Media stories, and their face is unlike to appear on anything at all. They do not give speeches unless it is to announce something that everyone living within Peacekeeper Territories needs to be aware of, for example a new planet or system joining The Alliance. As such, there have been many in this position who have never been forced into the spotlight, but their names are still known and remembered throughout the millenia.

Term in Office

Once a Head of Peacekeeper Command takes the position, they are then in this position until they die or choose to step down. Few choose to step down. It is traditional that the Head of Peacekeeper Command leaves behind an indication of the person they believe is best placed to fill the position after them, and depending on the relative success of the Head of Command, their opinion may be given more or less weight.

Related Articles

Organisations Peacekeeper Command, Peacekeeper Alliance, Peacekeeper Academy, P'Ache Prime Media Outlets, Peacekeeper Diplomacy, Peacekeeper Integrity, Peacekeeper Efficiency
People Peacekeeper, Pachian
Locations Peacekeeper Territories, P'Ache Prime
Form of Address
Alternative Naming
Head of Command
Length of Term
Once appointed, life term
First Holder
Current Holders


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Dec 18, 2023 19:54 by Marc Zipper

What a cool job and very well detalabout it

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Dec 18, 2023 21:38 by Elspeth

Thank you! :D