Council Elder

Council Elders are the leaders of Eldahi, ruling from the capital city Eldavi. Each member oversees a district of Eldahi and casts a vote in national matters in Elder Council meetings.  

Theocratic Leaders

Council Elders are considered to be representatives of the Ancestors and govern in their name. They are expected to be able to commune with the Ancestral realm and interpret those messages.   The Eldahi People believe the gods bestowed gifts upon them in the form of magic and that they maintain that connection through communing with their ancestors and honoring their entire line of predecessors. As such, Elder Council members and prospective members must have a fairly strong ability to weild magic and demonstrate an ability to lead instances of communal magic. Individual affinity to a specific type of magic is less important.  
We walk the path of the gods and have not forgotten there were more than just two. Those gods were our ancestors.
  Prospective Council Elders are expected to be well-educated in Eldahi's history and geography, among many other things. They begin their education in early childhood; Council Elder families often prepare their children for the possibility of becoming an elder from an early age and train their children in everything they can related to the laws, foreign relations, magic, politics, and more.  

Hereditary Oligarchy

The Elder Council was originally formed from the leaders of several clans of living in the Nolari Forest. At the time, the Silvane clan was the largest and most powerful, and therefore claimed the leadership position of the Council, and the Silvane family has held the position ever since.   Council Elder positions are passed down through families, traditionally to the eldest child, but not always. The current Council Elders have the right to name their successors, sometimes choosing a younger child, sibling, or other family member.  


Despite the name, the Elder Council has no specific age requirement for new members. However, members must have attained witch status (often celebrated with a ceremony and Magi-bites) and prove mastery in magic casting and/or magic knowledge, and thus this rules out the very young from ascending into a Council Elder position.   Council Elder positions are lifetime appointments, and Elders often hold onto their seats well into old age. By the time an Elder position is available, the recipient is often of middle age or advanced age themselves.   However, Elders can step down at any point for any reason and are encouraged to do so if their health or some other situation becomes detrimental to their ability to fulfill the role.
Famous in the Field
Related Locations
Ranks & Titles

High Council Elder

The High Council Elder is ultimately the leader of the Council Elders. The High Elder sets the agenda for the Council, determines priority issues, maintains order during Council meetings, and casts the deciding vote in the event of a tie.  
High Council Elder
Rank/Title | Jul 24, 2022

Leader of the Elder Council of Eldahi, the highest authority in Eldahi


Elder Council

Elder Council
Organization | Jul 26, 2022

The most powerful governing body of Eldahi

Replacing Council Elders

In the Event of Unexpected or Untimely Demise

1. Upon the death of a Council member, the position will go to whomever the Elder has declared to be their successor.   2. If the deceased Council Elder made no such declarations, the position is given to the eldest child or closest living relative, though they must be related by blood to the recently deceased Elder.   3. In the rare case this is impossible, the Elder Council will convene to choose someone from among upstanding and influential families, someone who demonstrates the necessary strength and virtues to adequately fullfil the duties of the Council.
3A.Council Elder seat appointments shall avoid consolidating power to any one family.

Challenging a Sitting Council Elder

If anyone believes a sitting Council Elder is doing a poor job representing the people of Eldahi, they may file a petition to have that member replaced. The petition must have:
  • Documented proof of negligence or incompetence
  • Must be substantial
  • Support by at least 1 Council Elder (or one other Council Member if the case is being made by a sitting Elder or a member of that Elder's family)
  The Elder Council will then convene to determine the legitimacy of the petition and to appoint a new Council member if necessary. These cases are rarely accepted and even more rarely successful.


Author's Notes

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