Twin Lochish Organization in Uto Daeg | World Anvil

Twin Lochish

The country of Lochish is divided into two separate regions Lochney and Gleymor, though ruled at the capital of Lochney, Mirdrinda. This has caused some uproar recently among the Gleymorians who believe the country is stronger when they are separate but equal. Their headquarters is in Bochy. To settle the dispute, the powers that be in Mirdrinda have called their country Twin Lochish, which has hardly quelled griefs, but many have accepted this.    


  Leader ranks are Sovereign and Sovereigness. The court is called "The Far and Fair Court" and is in Mirdrinda, the capital.


Mercantilism is seen as the highest endeavor to pursue. There are no greater variety of merchants than the half-elves from Lochish. As such, guile and quick-thinking are prized above else, with the art of the deal being a particular subject taught at young ages. Even if one does not go into mercantilism, almost all have a basic understanding of trade and its ins and outs.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Neighboring Nations
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