Gleymor Geographic Location in Uto Daeg | World Anvil


Realm of Stone and Spells

Demonym: Gleymorian
  Geographic opposite of Lochney, Gleymor is the mountainous region of Lochish. Two contentious areas comprise the region, Shuoshon (Upper Gleymor) and Haptlom (Lower Gleymor). Morhyll is the thick-walled capital of Gleymor in Haptlom. The Wet Hills are mineral-rich slopes diving into the lochs in southern reaches of Shuoshon and Haptlom. The highest peak is Halvenia in the Trussa arm of the Corman mountains in Shuoshon.  


Shuoshon, upper Gleymor

Demonym: Shuoshone. Shuoshon lays to the north and west of Gleymor, leaning on the Marwall mountains and the Truscan region. The Wet Hills serve as the border between Brin Balo and the Haptlom. More rocky and perilous and its lower cousin, Shuoshon has less population but breeds stronger warriors and shaman. The city of Bochy serves as capital of the region though no overall ruler exists in Shuoshon. The life here revolves around survival and hunting. The traditions and customs of Gleymor are still seen throughout. The people here tend to do little in-fighting, mostly banding together during environmental hardships and attacks from the roving monsters and creatures that come up from the unknown west.

Haptlom, lower Gleymor

Demonym: Haptloms. Rocky hills, low mountain peaks, and the serene, cradled lochs comprise lower Gleymor. The family feuds run deep here, more than any other region or country in Enor Daeg. All families and family histories are virtuously taught at a young age. The Marwall is also claimed by the Haptloms. The largest city, Morhyll, is ruled by a sizable family and standing army. Customs and traditions as sacred here as in elsewhere in Lochish. Clannish tendencies guide the tribes' lust for geographic supremacy.  

Cities & Towns

At a glance the cities in Gleymor do not excite. There is no grand architecture like the Evoria or the Riverlands, no grand houses in trees like the Rerish, no angular shapes present in dwarven architecture. The Gleymorians prefer more pragmatic housing. The defensive walls are mostly stone with hard wood reinforcements. Exemplar timber structures abound in Haptlom while Shuoshone prefer hewn stone from the plentiful quarries. Buildings are seen as harbors, places where the family or tribe may convalesce. Indeed, something magical, or as they call it spiritual, occurs in the Gleymorian longhalls. Their sorcerers prefer a life in the halls, finding it easier, they say, to tap into their magics.   While no capitals exist for Gleymor, certain seats of power do, one in each region: Morhyll in Haptlom and Bochy in Shuoshon.  


A staunch contrast to the rest of the region, Morhyll is the most fortified of cities in Gleymor, the 15-foot thick walls only just being built in the last hundred years. The walls were contracted by the local dwarves who had seen enough of their fellows die to poor defenses to sit idly by. Morhyll is also the most easily accessible city in Gleymor, especially for outsiders. It rests on a rocky slope and is divided into several tiers. The upper tier, of course, is the seat of power, Mordred Hall. Here Lord Dáire (DAW-ra) and Lady Órfhlaith (OR-la) Loquinn, in austere furnishings, rule. The second tier is for merchants and their families. Third is the market and second barracks, run by Captain of the Guard Fenwie Lochlann. Fourth is the lower barracks and lower class. The base is usually for travelers and features plenty of inns and taverns for the working people. A slums exists outside of Morhyll on the backside of the city. Its size is larger than Yym in Evoria.  


Great ivied walls surround the low city of Bochy. A wide plain extends for miles outside its walls, giving plenty of protection from incoming forces. Some glens and dales interrupt the gently rolling plain, but the city itself stands opposing it all. The distant mountains create a picturesque backdrop no matter the perspective. Of all the cities in Shuoshon, Bochy is the most easily accessible, so long as travelers use the highway that runs through Miam from the east. Virtually cut off from the world, the city is always buzzing with energy from soldiers and guards reporting and going on excursions to repel attacks from all sorts of creatures in all the regions. The city itself is comparable in size to Gmede in Rerya.  

Magic and Religion

The tribes of half-elves here worship an aspect of magic. It is best described as "tribal magic", but scholars would say it is a mix of the divine and the mystical. The sorts of classes that tend to arise here are the bard, the fighter, the cleric, the druid, the ranger, and, most famously, the sorcerer.   The "school" that these casters favor is dreams. They worship Sehanine Moonbow, or their variation of her. The enchanting school is prevalent here also, most students learning solely enchanting spells that incorporate dreams and dreaming. Dream is a very useful spell that is constantly being warded and worked around. The casters here who study dream have such a magical acuteness they can often bypass magical barriers that prevent such things. There is still no breaking certain effects related to sleep such as elves' ability to not sleep and therefore not dream.

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