Metzono Geographic Location in Uto Daeg | World Anvil


More empires started in Metzono than anywhere else. These empires also failed to expand far.
— Navigator Glorigolg of Derelict Glorchel
  Much of the region of Metzono is entirely jungle. Some cloud jungles exist further up the slopes of the mountains close to the Strait of Xaohuac. Across the strait is its neighbor and on-again-off-again rival, Hezhz.  

Burrows and Tunnels

Many creatures and mortals tunnel to escape the heat, predators, or the monsoons. The ground is rich in iron that allows for the hard ground to easily support underground shelters. Some expansive towns have been carved out this way — thanks to dwarven engineering —  

Couatl Reverence

Couatl are not worshiped as deities, but messengers and good omens. They are also called "dragonbirds" and portend events, usually good. Oracles use their skywrithings to prophesy events. The bones of couatl are rare and highly sought. Temples and churches use them as mediums during rituals and prayers to deities.  

Sentient Creatures

Small mammals such as hares, rabbits, and pikas are respected in the region. There is even talk of them being sentient and able to speak in Common. Such creatures favor the folklore of the region and of Hezhz and southeastern Caphitolia.  

Four Gerents

Many believe there to be four leaders of four different small mammals: hamster, rabbit, hare, and pika. They are called Four Gerents or Little Lords. They are said to wander the jungles of Metzono, though can venture out to to other lands if they choose. Their regal and noble souls compel mortals to creativity and piety. Although they are not worshiped, they themselves promote spirituality among the Hezhono people of the region.  

Empire of Caverns

Towards the east, its border to Hezhz, at the base of the mountains are several openings to what to appear at first to be simple caves. The stock creatures are found therein, but travel further and further, through cold, underwater tunnels and you'll come up to wide rooms where some old empire started and — by the nature of the land — fell. This empire, spearheaded by male drow discontent with their society, crept through the upper Underdark. Ultimately, some unknown war presumably with the Underdark creatures and drow ended their ambitions. Their ruins still remain to this day.  


The various forts found around the country are vestiges of older empires, but their usefulness means their upkeep is high priority. Indeed, the formidable structures do not fall to invaders or outsiders and are bastions against any threat. They are a sense of pride among the Hezhono. The forts provide protection and security to travelers and citizens, most notably are Fort Zalaym and Fort Watch.  
Fort Zalaym is the oldest fort in the country with an important duty of protecting Zalaym port which guards the Straight between Hezhz and Metzono. Once, an emperor gave up his capital in favor of Fort Zalaym. This move jeopardized the whole empire, but proved the correct gamble since the invading forces never got past the now reinforced port.
Fort Watch has consistently remained the pride of the land. One would-be emperor spent the last of his days renovating Fort Watch after it had fallen under lizardfolk and yuan-ti control. The fort now provides rest for travelers and showcases to foreigners from beyond the mountains the rich culture, power, and security it provides.

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Gold Coast
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