Caphitol Imperios Organization in Uto Daeg | World Anvil

Caphitol Imperios

The most recent and powerful iteration of Caphitolian supremacy, the Caphitol Imperios exhibits the signs of an unconquerable empire without the resources to back up the image. True, they have powerful people and magic on their side, but their constant feud with the Qaath Dynasty drains their resources and attention. They are on good terms with their neighbors, except the Qaath of Catholonika of course. Their capital city, Ishmatol, has perpetuated — never once been spoiled nor razed — for a thousand years, though it has traded internal organizational hands.  


Religion's importance to the Imperios cannot be overstated. Bogadyirs, knight paladins, are highly regarded. Some people devote themselves to a Good deity with the intent to go to one of the several Bogadyir academies. Thousands enter every year, and hundreds graduate. Failing Bogadyir school is not relished by any, but it is understandable with their low success rate.  



Main Forces.The Imperios army is auxiliarated by elves from the Clazhec forests and some dwarves from under the Jaggeds who have had their share of Qaath's iron fist. These mercenaries fight when necessary and sometimes mix among the regular soldiers.   Bogadyir. The backbone of the domestic and assaulting army, the Bogadyir are formidable paladins of a chosen deity. They steep their fervor in martial training and casting of spells. Due to their piety, they slay many monsters in righteous justice. Most adhere to Bahamut or Kord or Pelor, or some other Good deity.   Fallinx. The pride of the Imperios army and complimentary to Bogadyir. Where as the Bogadyir are hefty and usually small groups, Fallinx operate in larger companies. These professional fighters specialize in large shields and long spears. They form into boxes called "turtles" that pace along. These turtles then spring forward and wrap around the foes with precision. The Qaath have their own version, to the frustration of the Imperios.   Civilar. The guerilla fighters on the frontiers and mountain-dwellers. These suborn and often unruly and cruel soldiers are made up of the mountain people who defend their homes. They are loyal and incorporated into the Imperios, though some feel that their allegiance is unto themselves.  


Their ships are made from teak trees in the northern region of Metzono and a while ago from the forests in the far eastern edge of Caphitolia, Trillmia Coast, now razed and burned by war. Almost all of the Imperios' armada guard the forests. In exchange, Metzono grants them a square mile of forest a month for timber.  

Cloud Soldiers

Wholly new to most of the world, the wondrous engineers with help of gnomes crafted a special ship that sails the sky. These contraptions are made with almost identical materials as ships, but some special modifications are made. For instance, where cargo usually stores large, loud engines operate aided by gnome engineers. Likewise, engines and various other devices attach to the hull. Needless to say, an airship can never be seaborne.   Although recently developed, the Imperios have taken to this method of travel and even warfare. They are afraid to lose even one, for if the Qaath lay their hands on just one, it could spell disaster for the war. Regardless, soldiers spend years training on the deck, and Bogadyir help protect the ship as well.  


Caphitolia prides itself in being friendly to all but one neighbor (Damned Lands not included). Its two prominent neighbors, Gold Coast and Metzono, find the Caphitolians agreeable if not a shade ferocious and enthusiastic. Trade between both these countries flourishes, though Gold Coast's open corridor to the south facilitates the best trade.  


The Imperios believes itself to be defenders against the encroaching Qaath Empire. Whereas the Imperios fights for the side of Good, the Qaath relish Evil. As such, the Imperios believes themselves to be defenders of the rest of Sefir Daeg. The Everwar also brings an anxiety and acceptance of war in daily life for most people. The majority of citizens live in large cities or on the western side of the country, staying away from the dangerous east and the looming Jagged Peaks. While the empire isn't entirely without fault in areas, it does actively worship Good deities, detest Evil and root out such vileness as a matter of principle.  


To better accommodate the people, the empire sectioned several provinces governed by a viceroy. There are currently 17 provinces.   Ishmatolis. The first province hosts the capital city, Ishmatol. It lies in the heart of the Trillia Hills.
Southlis. The land south of Ishmatolis that extends to the coast. Not heavily populated except for the port town of Keoxtol.
Metz. The land east of Southlis and southeast of Ishmatolis. Trafficked mostly by merchants to and from Metzono.
Gilslis. Land by the Gold Coast Corridor that facilitates trade with Gold Coast.
Hillis. The Gold Mountains foothills, mostly empty except a few inn-towns for merchants traveling through Gold's Pass.
Interlis. The largest province, Interlis focuses on the internal Trillia Hills that surround the west and north of Ishmatol.
Varshlis. Far past the Swamp of Delga lies the hinterlands. Constant vigilance is required to stave off Damn'ders curious tests.
Swamplis. Green and sickly, there is hardly anyone who wishes to govern or station near the Swamp of Delga.
Greattreelis. Druids mostly govern this province that houses the Greattree of Sefir Daeg.
Ogleclis. Home to the port town of Oglec and Oglec Point. A fishing community that is rather isolated.
Clazheclis Mazhor. The greater region of the forests of Clazhec. Incorporates the hills of the west and north.
Clazheclis Minzhor. The lesser region of the forests of Clezhec. Mostly incorporates the elven homelands, who operate independently of the Imperios.
Murmasklis. Home to the people. Trepidation surrounds interactions between the Imperios and the Murmaskë, though the Murmaskë do help against the Qaath from time to time.
Capholis. Originally named Catholis but changed due to extreme discomfort among the Imperios. This contested land are the foothills and forests of the Jaggeds.
Fortlis. The realm of fortresses to rebuff Qaath advancements. A vital buffer between Trillmia Coast and the hills and heartland of Ishmatol.
Trillmlis. Now devoid of fertile fields thanks to the Everwar, the Trillmia Coast offers little to occupants and is under constant assault by the Qaath.  



The idea of a unified Caphitolia dates back to the end of the Era of Reckoning, after humanity received their Spark. Nomads roamed the Trillia Hills or settles in the gentle lowlands surrounding them. These nomads formed alliances, not dissimilar to the Tallibabbite Quali — indeed, much inspired by them. The alliances agreed upon constructing places of gathering which grew into cities and the nomad life dissipated in favor of agriculture and strong, stable communities.

War, the Great Unifier

The first strike of Caphitolia into Catholonika, which at this time was still just an aspiring idea, stirred the people to action. The rising battle-sorcerer leader, Ishmatel, roused their fighters and bought mercenaries from Gold Coast and the various elven peoples of the northern forests. Luckily, their great mercantilism made mercenary prospects easily obtained.

After The War

Following the First War, Caphitolians completed their capital and named it Ishmatol in honor of Ishmatel. They secured trade agreements with their friendly neighbors and even a secure road to Tallibab (the Damned Lands were not corrupted at this time). This economic boom raised the envious eyes of their conquering neighbors and war soon came again.

War after War after War

This begins the true onset of the Everwar, characterized by various wars and warless battles as the greedy Catholonika sought more and more. The flow of the wars brough Caphitolia to the brink of collapse several times, but they pulled through. Each successful repel roused the spirit of power within them. It is during this time the Bogadyir formed and were instrumental many times in pushing back the Catholonikans.

Empire At Last

On Erewinter 22nd, 4E 798 the Caphitolians established the Caphitol Imperios. Their friendly neighbors welcomed this and trade continued agreeably. With the announcement came an understandable wave of pressure to push the Catholonikans out of their conquered lands in Trillmia Coast and the forests by the Jaggeds. So the cycle of war continued.

For Freedom and the Stalwart Empire!

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Imperios
Imperi, Impero
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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