Hello, and thank you so much to World Anvil for giving me the opportunity to judge
SummerCamp 2023's Military Conflict category!
This is one of my favourite categories, as a writer of war fiction. When I saw it was available, I volunteered immediately. I know that many people are confused and intimidated by this category. They're not sure what is relevant information and what isn't, and they don't really understand the process of how war works, which seems so big and confusing. I wanted to help.
I initially made a promise that I would try to give feedback on each and every article in the category - but that was when I thought it was one of the least popular categories. With 336 entries, I was not able to meet this goal. I'm sorry.
I know that many of you probably just filled in the category to get your badge. If you did that, totally cool. If you still want my suggestions, complements and critiques to help you out with this category in the future, and you didn't get it, please leave me an Author's Note or a note in your own comments on your article, and I promise you I will continue working at this over the next couple of months. My goal is still to encourage and to help.
I must also confess; I began to run out of time, and as a result, I recruited a couple of friends who have been alpha readers for my books and co-players or co-GMs in RPGs, to assist me, because I knew they would have an idea of what I was looking for. I directed them to commend articles to my attention that they thought were worth a second look, and all of those articles are included on my longlist. So while I cannot say I read each and every article, I can assure you that
someone did.
With SummerCamp now coming to a close, on Friday the 18th of August, starting at 11:30 am Pacific Time, I will also do a special stream on
my Twitch channel in which I will unpack the military conflict category, explain the details of how to use the template to best effectiveness (which really is brilliantly designed for the purpose - Dimi has an intimate understanding of war and war history and has given us an amazing tool to flesh this subject out,) and walk you through my shortlist and explain why each article made the cut. This is all intended to help you worldbuild your wars and battles, your political debates and your life-and-death games and conflicts, more effectively.
Now then: first, my longlist; the articles I marked as needing and deserving a second look, in no particular order. If you made this list, you either provided an excellent example of all the elements I feel are needed in a military conflict article (who is fighting, why are they fighting, what circumstances led up to the conflict, how many fought on all sides and who their leaders were, how the conflict unfolded, what the result was, and what long-term effects, historical and cultural, resulted from the conflict,) or you had an element that was a unique take on the subject I thought was worthy of attention.
Any article on this list with an asterisk(*) beside it is also on the shortlist. I have left this mark, which was originally for my reference, to save you reading time.
Longlist: Military Conflict SummerCamp 2023
*The War of Sunset Pass by Wulvenfire
*Wars of the Continent by Barbarossa Sparklebeard
La Conquête des Nohorma by Enoris Leinwand
*Tempest is Fired... Figuratively by Eli Kwake
The Qulaeshan Uprising by Michael Chandra
Border Disputes by Szeipusz
*Lendas Uprising by Jester%
*The Assassination of Tobias Contari by AmethystScribe
The Pacification of Vizeria by Lukecairn641
*The Kinrai Island Offensive by Somerled
Battle of Sarton's Gate by Jdebro
*Kais Independence War by KCKramer
The Oasis Revolts by Tome2Table
Fall of the Flying Eagle Banner by SF71
*Operation Sledgehamer by CTEJedi
Clash on Port Moseby by Kereminde
Giant Wars by Riverfang
Battle of Nairobi by Mandalorian BBQ
*Siege of the Silent Spires by ParadoxicalLemon08
*War of a Thousand Stars by Graylion
The Bull and the Dancers by Cassie Storyweaver
The Dalifam Rebellion by Draggin
*Segai Campaign on Damus by Liafelis
*Kaltstad Rebellion by Ononomad
*The Fotsu Delegation by Koragath
Skirmishes of Amusement Park Pass by Revyera
*Battle of Frankfurt Bridge by ECC Books
*Wenzi War by Isaac A. Thompson
The Blood Ball Uprising by Krayvuk
The Tatters Goblin Insurrection by Weyersba
The Illadrian / Kromas Stellar Impasse by Atomic Nexus
The Treason of Isvrik by Worldkeymaster
*Scorching of Mercury by nnie
*Sauce Slingshot Showdown by EmilyArmstrong
The Free Islands Revolution by Killer__Korax
Battle of Minao Island by Arndst
*Mediterranean Expansion Campaign by Ondo
Mythek Massacre by themrbeasley
Herding the Touched by Pooka
*Battle of Antwerp by Tynen_TM
The Great War of Displacement by CloverG
First Siege of Blati by Callyxtus
The War of the Houses by Colonel 101
*Vörkohz' invasion of Musqarbar by Dezzy Parish
*Battle for Baden by the Vazdimet Team
Great Slave Rebellion of Stonelords' Throne by Tuisku
Thank you so much for all your hard work and your generosity! I think it was a smart choice to recruit some friends rather than running yourself ragged trying to read over three hundred articles. I'm very honoured to have made the shortlist. Thank you so much for sharing it and the longlist so I can learn from how others approach this prompt too. I hope to catch the stream as well, will it be happening today on the 18th?
*mad cackling* You know, I meant for this to be next week, but I can see that being tired did the usual thing to my sense of time (and my ability to read a calendar, apparently,) so yes, since I announced it everywhere, I guess so! LOL Congratulations btw, your article was absolutely excellent. I guess I will see you in a few hours! :D