The Great War of Displacement Military Conflict in The End | World Anvil

The Great War of Displacement

About a decade prior to the displacement of the Forgotten Realms, a sinister darkness started to spread its wings and consume the realms. At first it was small and barely noticeable, but before long it had taken firm hold and stretched its inky claws across the land as it ravaged and destroyed everything in its path. The world around them was slowly being engulfed by a sinister force, and no one knew when or if they would be saved.

Like a cancerous growth, the darkness had been festering in the corners of their world since before anyone could remember. Nobody knew where it came from or how it had come to be, but they all knew its power - once it marked something, that thing was forever changed. The land itself bore the scars of the darkness' destruction, a testament to its insatiable hunger for chaos and devastation. And the people were even worse off - twisted, tormented, and driven mad by the darkness that still lingered within them. Fortune favored those who didn't survive at all - consumed by the darkness and never seen again.

The air itself seemed to be full of terror and despair as the people fought desperately against each other in the midst of the chaos. Everyone's desperation grew with every fight, every scream echoed, until the only thing left was death—a gruesome reminder of all that had been lost.

A group of brave adventurers, once known as the Heroes of the Realms, marched fearlessly into the depths of the darkness, becoming mere shadows against its power. With every swing of their weapons and every spell they cast, the heroes desperately tried to quell the incoming waves of evil. But no matter how hard they fought, the darkness kept on coming, threatening to overwhelm them and consume their world with its malevolent force. The heroes had to dig deep for strength and courage if they were going to triumph — or risk being forever devoured by the darkness.

The war was a never-ending abyss of destruction and despair. Families were ripped apart as their loved ones were swallowed by the raging seas of death, leaving nothing but a heart-wrenching void for those left behind. The survivors could not give up and valiantly fought on, knowing surrender meant certain demise. With each battle fought, another life was lost to an unforgiving enemy; fathers, mothers, siblings, children - darkness had defeated them all.

The dark clouds of fear descended upon the land, engulfing all in its shadows. Feuds were quickly forgotten in the face of greater terror. Formerly sworn enemies put aside their differences and stood together against a common foe. The elderly abandoned any hope for peace and the young had no opportunity to learn its value. Fear became a way of life, with no chance of escape.

The darkness descended with an icy chill, the stars vanishing from sight one by one. With waning hope and a hardening heart, the heroes of the realms realized there was only one path left to follow - a course that could ensure destruction... or salvation.

Their only hope was to harness an unfathomable amount of power, enough to propel the survivors far from the lifeless grip of the Forgotten Realms. Failure meant complete extinction.

Summoning every ounce of strength and wielding their magic like a flaming sword, the group united forces. With their vast knowledge and determination, they focused on tearing open a rift in the very fabric of the universe. Their eyes locked in a feverish trance as they chanted an ancient incantation, veins bulging with raw power. Sweat poured down their faces as they pushed beyond their limits, until finally, with a deafening roar, the veil between worlds was ripped apart.

The survivors trembled with anticipation as they opened the doorway to an uncharted realm. The unknown dimension stretched out before them, beckoning them with a promise of something mysterious and new. The survivors stepped across the threshold, fear and anticipation racing through their veins, into a world filled with unknown possibilities.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type


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