Border disputes Military Conflict in Tacillia | World Anvil

Border disputes

You can grow crops on the skat'ra plains, but the soil is not productive enough. A better place can have a significant impact on the life of a hill. Because of this, the queens will do almost anything to protect their areas. But a princess, when she establishes her hill, will have the same need for resources, and if The Queens' Assembly can't resolve it, it can lead to the eradication of one hill.
The process of resolving the issue starts when a queen becomes aware that a new hill is established too close to her own. First, the Queens' Assembly is notified. Although to every queen, her hill is the most important, they are still one nation, and they try to be different than other countries who usually immediately come to blows over land. Before the Assembly, usually, the princess is convinced to move her hill further away. The princesses tend to agree because they're not powerful enough, and the closest hills offer resources to help her move along as quickly as possible. However, there are occasions when the Assembly can't solve the issue. When this happens, the princess will face an army of the closest hill, which is usually enough to persuade her to move along. But there can be situations when a princess's relentlessness can help her achieve her goal. She won't be able to move when she is close to laying her eggs. In this case, the older hill can do nothing but destroy the hill of the princess. Although this is rare, it happened in the past. The other situation is that the older hill had to face a tobzoshkuh titan swarm recently, they didn't recover their strength yet, and the princess will have time to grow her army and defend the hill if someone comes to raze it.
Of course, if nothing helps, a battle can and will happen between the hills because every queen and princess wants to protect their position to provide for their hives. The worst example is Queen Kilsy, who destroyed several hills to keep her access to the Pristine Prairie. So far, she was the only one who, to show she would do anything, had hired mercenaries to help destroy a newly established hill.
As a specie, the skat'ra are the best politicians, but they can be fierce when they need to protect their lands
— Uvraakx, goblin scholar


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Aug 7, 2023 22:32 by Diane Morrison

Oh my goodness, I just *love* your bug people! They're amazing! And it's fascinating how they instinctively fight to preserve their insipient hives, but how they are able, as sentient creatures, to overcome their instincts and solve problems, for the most part, in a productive way. It's not what I expected to see in a military conflict article, so I'm going to have to give this another look, but I'm very interested in your unique take. Well done!

Author of the Wyrd West Chronicles and the Toy Soldier Saga. Mother of Bunnies, Eater of Pickles, Friend of Nerds, First of her Name.
Aug 8, 2023 18:07

Thank you for your kind words! To tell the truth, I've struggled with this prompt. It was the last article I wrote because I didn't have a better idea of having two unequal powers within the skat'ra. They are based on ants and termites, and although they have workers and warriors who are not equal to the queen, they will never attack her. I agree. It is not a military conflict, but it was the best I could come up with. It is more like a family quarrel. I should have added this as the title. :)