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Forvan Redfury

Forvan Redfury is a master chef, famous for his owning the Highest F.O.O.D. rated restaurant, "The Forest After Dark" also known as FAD.  

Early Life

Forvan Redfury was born in Saumart, a coastal city where everything is centered on fish. Most people that live there are fishermen, and if the meal you're eating isn't fish, it's likely some sort of fruit or vegetable grown on the nearby farms of places like Aurilet or Wolford.   However, Forvan never liked fish very much. When his parents, Gladran and Cohin Redfury, made him eat it, he would outright refuse. It was only when he got to the age of eight that he learned of something that changed his entire world view. Seasoning.   With seasoning, Forvan was at the very least content with eating fish. But he was not happy. So, at the age of thirteen, Forvan got on a boat and made his way to the Gourmet Academy in the Kamejin City of Fukuzumi.  

The Gourmet Academy

Forvan Redfury was the youngest student at the Gourmet Academy, at least relatively. There were some Korvians who were technically more mature than him in Korvian years, but were only six or seven in actual lifespan.   Despite his age, Forvan had gained an immense familiarity with the perfect way to season food to give it the taste it needed, so he was at a more advanced stage than some of his other classmates. Forvan spent most of his time at the academy learning recipes for meals that would have otherwise been impossible for him to know in Saumart.   He became especially proficient in Elven and Draconian cuisine, which was considered more gourmet than the others. However, he found an interest in other foods that were less loved, like Orc and Goblin, finding a beauty in the simplicity of Orc food and a glory in the spice of Goblin food.   He worried, though, that he would never be able to make this food again when he went back home. There was no easy way to get the ingredients in Saumart, so he would either be stuck making food with fish, or he would have to make a restaurant in a more central location like Nerodil.  

Food Magic

That is, until the first day of his last year at the Gourmet Academy. He was visited Teruo's Garden, the former home of botanist Yamasaki Teruo. While admiring the Suwaru Rin, Forvan spotted something sticking out of the dirt. Asking his Dwarven compatriot, Harkum, to distract the Kamejin, Forvan dug out what was there.   And there, he found a fork. Not just any fork, though. The fork of the God Erra that contained Food Magic. For his final year, if he was not already the top chef in his class, he was now. And with this Food Magic, he could go back to Saumart and make any meal he wanted. For now, with Food Magic, he could make any meal as long as he knew the recipe. And if he wanted a new one, he only needed to come up with the recipe in his head.  


Forvan graduated top of his class at seventeen from the Gourmet Academy, and made his way back to Saumart. By the time he was eighteen, he had bought his own home on the coast and founded a new restaurant. The Forest After Dark.  

The Forest After Dark and F.O.O.D.

Forvan's restaurant was liked by the people that ate at it. They appreciated finally having food that was not fish in Saumart. He had a wide menu of items from many cultures across Totania, and would make food instantaneously with his magic in front of them for a nice show alongside the delicious meal. To Forvan, it was the perfect dining experience, though perhaps the look of the restaurant was still behind everything else at that point. Still, good food and a show was enough.   However, many older people in Saumart didn't want to try something new like that. They heard that it was foreign food and not Saumart fish, so they boycotted his business without even trying it.   It was then that Forvan started Favorite Orders for Our Dishes (F.O.O.D.) with his friends, to review what restaurants were actually good and worth eating at. The Forest After Dark was their first review, and they gave it an immensely positive rating (the highest they have given even to this day).   This review gained much more traction than they expected, and the Forest After Dark became a bustling location for foodies and hungry people of all races. F.O.O.D. also rose into prominence as the foremost culinary reviewers on the planet.   F.O.O.D. no longer involves Forvan heavily, not since it started out really, but they still revere him as their founder. Technically he is still with them, as he will sometimes travel and review food if he happens to like or dislike it that much. When he does this, it is still published under F.O.O.D.


Forvan Redfury

spouse (Vital)

Towards Chaze Redfury



Chaze Redfury

spouse (Vital)

Towards Forvan Redfury



Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both passionate and artistic individuals, Forvan and Chaze share in each others interests and often collaborate on everything.

Legal Status


Forvan Redfury

Father (Vital)

Towards Cozall Redfury



Cozall Redfury

Child (Vital)

Towards Forvan Redfury



Commonalities & Shared Interests

Cozall shares Forvan's love of cooking, and the two often trade recipes. Forvan also taught Cozall what he knows about women, though Cozall does not only like women. Forvan supports Cozall no matter who he loves.

Legal Status

Parent and Child


F.O.O.D. is a food rating system created by Forvan Redfury, and is better known as Favorite Orders for Our Dishes.   Forvan started F.O.O.D. because he noticed that no matter how good a restaurant was, people would often choose to go to a more familiar place like McDales. So Forvan got a group of expert food reviewers together in his home city of Saumart and founded a group where they could review restaurants together. This became F.O.O.D., and has since been published in newspapers around the world ranking all known restaurants that are open for customers.   Forvan's restaurant being the highest ranked is believed to be because he is the founder, but those that eat his food can also not deny that the man is a masterful cook.
Year of Birth
475 ME -243 Years old
Chaze Redfury (spouse)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


Yirthum Pizza A pizza from the Draconian village Yirthum, made with eggs, bacon, sausage, and hash browns.
Coq Au Vin An Elven dish featuring chicken, wine, mushrooms, onions, garlic, bacon, and brandy.
Bratwurst A Dwarven dish, made of pork, most often using Onker meat.
Barbecue Ribs An Orc favorite, where pork or beef is covered in a special Orc sauce.
Fried Chicken A Korvian dish featuring "Chicken".
Gobco The famous Goblin dish of Tacos are famous around the world, but Forvan is particularly skilled with the classic Goblin version featuring Udai Onions, beans, scorpion tail, tomato, and beef.
Unagi The Kamejin classic, featuring eel.
Shepherd's Pie The Human classic with meat and gravy covered with mashed potatoes.
SauMess Forvan's original desert, with various fruits and sweets like ice cream and whipped cream.
Stygian Salad A magical salad with a special type of darkness, made by Forvan's son Cozall.


Forvan often would cook his best dishes when beautiful women came into his restaurant. He would either ignore what they ordered and make something he considered better, or he would simply make what they ordered to the best of his ability.   This changed one fateful day when a woman entered his restaurant. A beautiful and famous artist named Chaze Grayroar. Forvan knew she would recognize what he did if he pulled his usual trick, and while he didn't mind that with some other women he served, for her things were different.   She sat down and ordered a very simple meal. When he took her order, she teased him and made jokes with him, which he reciprocated to the point that some of the other customers got angry at how long he was taking with her. Forvan, however, didn't care much what the other customers said. He was enraptured by Chaze Grayroar.   He didn't do what he normally did when he made her food this time. Instead, he gave her exactly what she ordered. But he gave her a much larger portion. When Chaze saw it, she said that it was more than she could possibly eat alone. And so Forvan sat down across from her and said,  
"Then how about we share it?"
— Forvan Redfury
Forvan and Chaze then ate together that night, staying there as the customers left and the restaurant closed. It was unclear to many people why, but the next day the walls of the Forest After Dark were decorated with new paintings from Chaze. However, these paintings had another signature on them. Forvan's. With this, Forvan had solved his previous problem of decor, and had gained love out of it as well. A win-win scenario for his business and his life.
Cozall Redfury by Jarhed
    In the next few years with Forvan, he asked the same question over and over again. And as he did, Forvan and Chaze began sharing more and more. Credit on each others works, their food, their homes, and eventually, a last name. Chaze Grayroar became Chaze Redfury.  


It is unknown exactly when, but Forvan and Chaze at some point had a son named Cozall Redfury. Cozall took after both of their passionate and artistic natures, becoming a cook, an artist, and even adding author into the mix.   Cozall was promiscuous, but still helped his parents in their culinary and artistic endeavors. After he went to the Magic College and gained Art Magic, Cozall gave some recipes to his father including the Stygian Salad. This would help to further improve the reputation of Forvan's restaurant, and make him even more respected as a chef.   Forvan has asked Cozall to return home at some point, but as of now Cozall has ignored his letters. This could be due to being involved in skirmishes with the Cragspear Bandits and in the war known as the Chief Crisis, or it could just be that he doesn't want to hang out with his father.

Cover image: Books by Free-Photos
Character Portrait image: Forvan Redfury by Jarhed


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