Orc Species in Toriel | World Anvil


The orcs are a prolific and physically powerful race. Originally a shamanistic people cultivating a primitive clan-based society, the orcs were corrupted by Baphomet—a demon lord—and manipulated into forming a bloodthirsty Horde that waged war on the humans and elves. Rampant demonic corruption caused the orcs to be filled with bloodlust and turned their normally green skin into shades of red, culminating with Baphomet's servant Gul'dan convincing the orc chieftains to drink the blood of Baphomet and thereby finishing their transformation.   Yet, the shamanistic tradition of the orcs managed to survive, mainly among the Horseskull clan.  


Orcish society has always been characterized by hardy and rugged living. As a result, they are staunch pragmatists, and never shy from killing if it will protect the future of the orc or his or her clan. All orcs, regardless of gender or station, are expected to pull their own weight and weakness is considered a grave liability. The weakness of one contaminates the strength of all, and it is punishable by the greatest humiliation an orc can receive: exile. Different orc clans however have different personalities; The Horseskull clan isnotable for having brought a measure of mercy and compassion On the other hand, clans such as the Redfang clan remain who still cling to the rigid, spartan beliefs.   Yet regardless of their clan affiliations, orcs prize honor over all other things in life — first to bring honor to their clan and secondly bringing honor to the self and to their sense of self-worth as an individual. Likewise, hospitality is considered one of the greatest honors that can be bestowed. Women are able to pursue the same career choices as men, rise to positions of power and are even expected to answer to the call for battle just as men are. Strength (both physical and mental), courage, initiative and independence are prized traits in all orcs. Traditionally, children are seen as children of the parents, but are raised as children of the clan.   One tradition of the orcs was a ceremony for newborns of the clan. The infant's parents would stand in a body of water near the encampment with the entire clan observing from shore. The mother would hand the baby to the father, who would then raise the child to the sky and proclaim the child as his, through himself and his father, and present the baby for the clan's blessings. The clan chieftain would then hold the baby and declare the infant under their protection, with the hope that they bring honor and glory to the clan. The chieftain's heir would then give a blessing. Finally the Elder Shaman would ask for the blessing of the elemental and wild spirits, and the hope that the ancestors would watch over the newborn.   In some clans, if the child appears sickly or frail, they will instead be drowned, likely by the father. A common expression of scorn is that an orc "should have been drowned at birth". This is likely the reason that the parents would stand in the water when presenting a newborn. The Blackrock clan and Bonechewer clan were noted for doing this without any qualms. The Horseskull clan however, were known to have rejected such cruel practices.   Orcs begin weapons training at age 6, when they are nearly the size of an adult human. When they reach 12, they are considered strong enough to fight and allowed to participate in hunting parties. This is also the age they become eligible for the rite of adulthood and for the courting hunt, making them full-grown adults. To an orc, blood was the ultimate tie. It bound oaths, commanded allegiances, and marked the true warrior in combat. To taint a blood bond was one of the worst crimes imaginable. Most of the superstitious clans feared the open sea.  


As far back as orcish history has been recorded, shaman have been mentioned, and learning to speak with the elemental spirits ofToriel was a pivotal achievement in destiny for the orc clans. The first orcs to learn the ways of shamanism hailed from the Shadowmoon clan, but many clans claim the mythical "First Shaman" arose from their ranks, even though the truth is that no one is sure of his or her allegiance. The bond between shaman crossed clan boundaries, allowing them peacefully mediate arguments and solve conflicts. Some rare orc undergoing the ritual to become shaman went insane, exiled from their clan, and going underground, they formed the pale orc, or Orog. White skulls were tattooed on their faces, marking them as "dead" to their people. Orcish shaman long used this tattoo practice to similarly mark certain failed apprentices as "dead". When Ner'zhul fell into despair, his mind plagued by visions of death, he had such a skull tattoed on his own face.   Orcs instinctively revere the rugged forces of the natural elements, and as such, shaman are held in high regard. They generally have a close relationship with the nature elements and angering them is considered a grave offense. Over the ages, shaman like Thrall have communed with these spirits and, through patience and dedication, learned to soothe roaring infernos, bring rain to sun-scorched lands, and otherwise temper the elementals' ruinous influence on the world of Toriel. Orcs are reliant on shaman to negotiate with the elementals to provide necessities such as drinking water from fallen rain or fire to warm their hearths.   In orcish culture, any shaman that has been spoken to by the spirits is given equal respect and honor regardless of age or experience.    


Orcs are voracious eaters: each orc eats as much as a dozen goblins. The staple diet of the orcs is fresh meat. To satisfy this hunger for flesh, wild boars are trapped and bred for food. Swine meat is commonly sliced up and used to make bacon. During the Orc War, boar meat coupled with a tankard of bloodmead became a bonfire favorite among the hardened troops engaged in a long war march. The prickly fruits that grow on acacia in the Savage Savannah are also commonly eaten. Orcs also eat various types of fish.  
Orc Raider by Chris Rahn

Mounts and companions

Long ago, the orcs tamed the large and swift wolves. These massive canines came to be the orcs' chosen companions as well as their favored method of transportation. The wolves' unflinching temperament made them especially well-suited for battling large prey. When the orcs became more warlike, their wolves were bred for size and stamina so they could bear armored riders into battle. Dire wolves remain the favored mounts for orc fighters.   When the Horseskull clan set home in the Savage Savannah, they started to tame and bond with the local wyvern. The flying draconic creature proving to be powerful companions and formidable mounts.  


Orcs know Common Orcish. Separate tribes had variations of dialect that differed so much that orcs could not understand each other unless they spoke the common orcish tongue. The main form of the Orcish language used by all the tribes is known as common Orcish.  


Physical features

Orcs in general have muscular physiques and on average, female orcs are around 6' to 6'6" tall while male orcs tend to reach 7 feet in height. Males often have very long and unusual facial hair. Females tend to have eclectic hair styles and unusual piercings. Orcs have an acute sense of smell, so much so that they can distinguish others without the need for visual confirmation.  


Orcs mature quickly, growing nearly the size of a human adult by the age of six years old, when they begin to fight.  


An orc's face would be described by some races as monstrous. Orcs have large heavy jaws from which protrude sharp, tusk-like teeth, heavy brows, a broad and flat snout-like nose, and pointed ears. The number, size and position of orcish tusks and teeth are particularly variable.   Orcs come in all shapes and sizes. The average male Orc height is seven feet tall, while the females stand at an average of six to six and a half. Males, particularly warriors, are often hunched to variable degrees, though others stand straight and tall, such as Grommash Redfang. A fair amount of sexual dimorphism exists between the orc sexes, with male orcs possessing more extreme orcish physical characteristics, most noticeably broader shoulders and larger tusks. Yet all the orcs are large, powerfully built creatures when compared to their human counterparts, warriors and spell-casters alike, and regardless of gender. Old orcs such as Drek'Thar Horseskull, however, are often frail and wiry.   Orcs who drink the blood of Baphomet, and their heir are bigger and stronger, and even the weakest of these orcs is a deadly foe. Red orcs often have much longer teeth, becoming nothing short of tusks. A half-orc never inherit the demonic power, and his skin will be green, no matter his origin.  


Orcs are divided into clans. Each clan has a different culture, tradition or behavior which sets them apart from the other clans and often also gives them their name. The Redfang clan for example is named because of their bloodlust in battle.   Every orc clan is led by a chieftain, while the leader of all clans is called Warchief. The chieftain is usually the strongest member of the clan and there are two ways of becoming a chieftain. Either you challenge the old chieftain and beat him in a Mak'gora (ritual duel) or you inherit the status of chieftain.   Nowadays, two large clans still exist, the Horseskull clan and the Redfang clan. Redfang orcs player should use the Orc race, an Horseskull orcs player should use the Orc of Eberron race.  


Orc names don’t always have meaning in the Orc language, and most noteworthy orcs are given During the naming day. Orcs use their clan name as family name.   Half orc Always bear the Halforcen family name instead of their clan name.   Males Names: Wark, Drukasao, Guntojakh, Iroggalnn, Tuknazit, Volindai, Igond, Rogrelg, Umaghavikor, Fengam, So, Domron, Zurosao, Lugrenga, Zugrish, Dosamm, Tsubai, Wagtaggall, Naakigg, Eckh, Emontuugg, Cromga, Fusatkuulk, Rogrettsuo, Kalligg, Wogruugar, Akuugg, Kagar, Akubaim, Kashugrexx, Gilligoarusk, Relcozomrak, Daggarn, Dramworn, Macksh, Tusontarish, Rhog, Drarduglok, Fenrim, Rashomro, Cheruknai, Googg, Mazumorr, Chantsuya, Kazit, Sikkall, Dengamm, Nagtar, Skrishtargh, Nakin, Herst, Pikasand, Ugakusel, Kagrim, Gaidom, Fashtar, Rendomiku, Rog, Watsuyagarg, Fusath, Nekk, Tramm, Figgo, Domdaggo, Koichark, Crongaragho, Gungoress, Oso, Phavikazra, Irogaidos, Sokramm, Figall, Zurungo, Emurigore, Fashtalekthr, Chul, Tulmokthar, Nardamesh, Korelskrim, Figgalekk, Nathatsu, Nagg, Molo, Waghurp, Maulnargon, Pyagatku, Emurund, Wit, Kafgantand, On, Songamu, Lhavik, Thariak, Hungar, Drelcozsh, Draggo, Zumongorg, Nekiron.   Female names: Bokrem, Fuda, Garainekago, Lopiatsukas, Hallarii, Saroogai, Hargai, Maiki, Togrytasaku, Hatamaris, Garunn, Ferunah, Irgraka, Reldaqi, Corvisaki, Roldiko, Daqi, Drunndrukona, Opakhamga, Gelagallopia, Liritsua, Geermani, Tokimao, Ezarn, Arteta, Nodosar, Mannah, Riimishtasa, Rokargara, Uragosaka, Tishtalvana, Pla, Rekrakka, Tabitaska, Akiria, Dous, Seergrutalla, Uragdalka, Khaku, Womdalle, Akonnaya, Morakinka, Akasaaja, Dosa, Reta, Nangrii, Roldala, Ritheddalka, Kritasu, Doora, Eonamah, Tiki, Grytas, Skkagai, Mirshaqi, Seerman, Wyeghakask, Lirgronnanya, Eonamanaka, Nodooskasan, Tishargryta, Arooska, Khalvanagna, Kinani, Okagark, Giskka, Atsuka, Tinekretanya, Rekrannda, In, Grytamikirga, Heg, Ferunaki, Gellaayu, Eonnakha, Ritsukah, Drakkaskaya, Flikorvisa.  



The Ogres were created by the giants as servants, but rebelled and formed their own empire under the leadership of Gorgrog, a powerful mage. They prospered and advanced in trade and technology, but also split into two factions: the surface ogres and the underground orcs. The Ogres tried to challenge the giants, who cursed them with stupidity and caused their empire to fall.  

Formation of the orc clans

In 2015 BD, the orcs migrated out of their underground caverns, began forging permanent settlements on Toriel's surface for the first time in generations. The orc population exploded, and overpopulation and lack of prey to hunt became a serious issue. Tensions between families simmered, but before war erupted many orcs migrated out in search of new land to settle. Those who remained formed the Blackrock, Laughing Skull, Lightning's Blade and Dragonmaw clans. Those who migrated west found themselves drawn to Calames Jungle, where they adopted a savage, superstitious mindset. Those who kept their sanity became the Bleeding Hollow clan, while those who lost themselves to dark impulses were exiled and over time formed another, smaller clan known as the Bonechewers. Some were drawn further up north, traveling to the northen region and to the dwarven terriotry, the Thunderlord clan sought to dominate the land. The orcs who journeyed west the mountains east of the Savage Savannah settled there. The Horseskull and Whiteclaws learned to adapt to the environment.. In the south, three clans settled in the mountains and plains: the Burning Blade, Redwalkers and Bladewinds. Finally, the Redfang Clan migrated farther southwest and roamed the plains, while to the southeast the peaceful Shadowmoon clan formed in the Valley.  

The first shaman

Mystics from the Shadowmoon clan frequently ventured across the world on pilgrimages, hoping to hear the will of the divine. Many of these travelers received strange dreams and visions. The first Shadowmoon learned about the world's primordial spirits of fire, air, earth and water. They treated these beings with utmost respect and named the site of their discovery the Throne of the Elements. The orcs learned to guide the elemental spirits with a sense of harmony, and in return received astonishing powers unlike any seen by the orcs before. The Shadowmoon were the first to dedicate themselves to the elements. They soon began spreading their teachings to the other clans, nearly all of which adopted the practice. Young orcs were raised to be steadfast allies of the elements, and fledgling shaman traveled to the Throne of the Elements to seek the spirits' blessing, entering trances to attune their minds to the elements. Those orcs who were welcomed by the elements returned to their clans as spiritual leaders whose counsel was highly valued. The bond between shaman crossed clan boundaries, allowing them to peacefully solve conflicts, and the Shadowmoon clan began a biannual gathering called the Kosh'harg festival. Initially only a gathering for shaman, it soon grew to include all orcs.   For generations, the orc clans lived neighbooring the ogres, engaging in occasional territorial disputes but never committing to all-out war against the ogres. In 1628 BD the so-called red pox spread like wildfire through the orcs' encampments, culling vast amounts of the orcs.  

The Rise of the Horde

After investigating of the world, the powerful demon lord Baphomet tricked the head shaman Ner'zhul by appearing as a spirit of an orc ancestor. He convinced Ner'zhul that the humans and elves were conspiring against the orcs, and were planning on attacking. Ner'zhul began raiding them hoping to be the savior of his race.   With the raids, the elements refused to aid the orcs in their war. Believing that the elements had turned on them, the orcs turned to Ner'zhul. He went to speak with the spirits directly and learned the truth about Baphomet. Refusing to help Baphomet any further, Ner'zhul was replaced by his apprentice Gul'dan as the spiritual leader of the clans. Gul'dan cared little for the orcs and readily agreed to follow Baphomet in exchange for more power.   After being taught by Baphomet, Gul'dan established warlock and demonic schools to replace the shaman powers the orcs had lost. To consolidate his power, Gul'dan united the clans into the Horde under Blackhand as Warchief and formed the Shadow Council to pull the strings from the shadows. Over the next few years, the entire race was corrupted by demonic energy and began turning red.   Gul'dan presented the clan chieftains with Baphomet's blood. Completely devoured by their demonic bloodlust the orc finally started the Orc War, battling the humans and elves. Bloodlust soon overcame the Horde, and they launched a preemptive strike against the most powerful establishment of humans in the area. But this attack ended in a humiliating defeat for the Horde. Each chieftain blamed the other for this failure, and the Horde split into two factions. The Shadow Council attempted to reunite the Horde, but could not act directly, and so they chose an avatar to act as their puppet ruler: Blackhand the Destroyer was named Warchief of all the Horde once again.   Under Blackhand's iron fist, order was restored. Near the beginning of that conflict the Horseskull clan, one of the very few clans of orcs that had rejected the demonic gifts of Baphomet, was exiled to the Savage Savannah and its leader Durotan was murdered by Gul'dan's forces as a warning. His infant son was left for dead but was taken in by a nobleman from Lordaeron fleeing the ongoing Orc War. The Horseskull clan, leaderless, fled.   With victory in sight, Gul'dan striving for more power, looked for the Tomb of Corellon Loth, believing the dungeon could grant him access to godhood. He took many of orcish tropps, and together, they abandoned their posts and set out to claim the power for their own. This loss of nearly a third of the Horde brought their campaign to a standstill. Doomhammer, furious with the insubordination at such a critical time, deployed a large portion of his own forces to attack the deserting clans and their leaders. This allowed the Humans and leves forces to rally and crush the Horde while they were divided. The orcs captured were placed in internment camps with hopes that they would one day lose their bloodlust.  

Thrall's rise

Thrall, the son of Durotan, escaped from his cruel human master Aedelas Blackmoore and set out to find the rest of his people. In his travels he encountered Grommash Redfang, who along with his Redfang Clan had been hiding out in hopes of another chance at conquest. Thrall made his way to the exiled Horseskull clan, where the shaman Drek'Thar taught him about the orcs' noble heritage and how they had been corrupted by demons. As Drek'Thar's new student, embarked upon the path of the shaman. Thrall then set out to to liberate the orc emprisoned, and fought for years with this goal in mind.  

Recent History

Thanks to the demonic power plaguing the orc, some could survive the great extinction, Rallying under the banner of Redfang clan, which proven to be the strongest at the time.   On the other hand, the few survivor of the unplagued Horseskull clan had to seek new ways to survive. On the edge of death, their elemental power wasn't enough to save them. But a great dragon, struck by the Horseskull clan affinity with the spirits and elements, protected them. The dragon died doing so, but in his dying breath, he revealed the secrets of the Circle of draconid to the orcs, making them the keeper of this tradition, combined with their shamanistic power. This new tradition, linked with their existing one, allowed them to survive through the dragon's era.

General Information

Scientific name
Homo serenus turpificatus
Geographic Distribution
West of Green earth savannah


Average Lifespan
50 years
Average Height
2.1 m Male, 1.85 m Female
Average Weight
100‒130 kg  



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