Redfang clan Organization in Toriel | World Anvil

Redfang clan

The Redfang clan is a warlike orcish clan originally hailing from the Savage Savannah.  


The leader is chosen as the one graced with the most demonic power, and therefore the stronger of them. Valuing the strength above all, he crushes any attempt to contest him with violent repression, and lead his tribe to multiple raid and plundering of neighboring tribes. The demonic influence on this tribe can be perceived in their valor, as it is chaos and destruction, the Red Fang working for the demon's best interest without even necessarily knowing it, their tribe influenced for centuries now.  


Redfang roamed the Savage Savannah of Green earth as nomads, rarely staying in the same place for more than a few months. The riders of the Redfang were always on the move. In camp, a family's tent was marked with a long pike thrust into the ground, often adorned with the skulls of defeated enemies and sometimes branded with the names of key battles.   Relying on shock and awe to overwhelm their enemies, the Redfang earned their name from the bloodbath left behind their wake.   To earn the status of wolfrider, a Redfang had to go through a series of arduous trials. To prove themself worthy of the wolf, the orc had to first test their strength and tenacity by gathering a heavy stone from a quarry and carry it on their back into the lands of their enemy. After cutting their way through the enemy's ranks, the orc was to place the stone in a place of prominence and set upon it a trophy of their foe in order to display their strength for all to see. Once the display of strength was completed, the orc had to head to the wolves' hunting grounds and subdue the largest member of the pack in the presence of the beast's kin. If they survived the ordeal, the wolf would answer to the orc as its new master. Finally, the Redfang believed that it was not enough for a wolf to regard an orc as its master; instead, to ready the beast for riding, its will had to be broken completely. Once the aspiring wolfrider had subdued their beast, they would mount it and ride it to the top of the tallest peak in the mountains further east. If the wolf was willful, the orc would be thrown to their death on the mountain slopes, but if they survived, the will of their mount would have been successfully broken. Then, the orc could finally call themself "Wolfrider".   It is expected that members of the Redfang wear the bones of his or her first kill, and inscribe them with personal runes. Members of the Redfang long hunted the bloodhoof clefthoof to user their crimson-hued skin for battle standards.  




The Red Fang aid and attack their neighboorg, always in conflict with the Horse Skull tribe and the cat people in the Tree above the clan.  


Early history

In 2015 BD, the orcs began to migrate out of from the eastern region of Toriel settled in around the mountains east of green earth, among them the Redfang clan. They constantly had to fight against the Gorian Empire's ogres to maintain their presence in the region. Some generations of Redfangs thrived more than others. The clan had a taste for battle, but provoking the ogres too much could lead to disastrous consequences.  

Rise of the Horde

In 1226 BD, the Redfang were led by a bold warrior named Grommash Redfang and engaged in constant battle with the ogres. The Ogres outnumbered the Redfangs, but Redfang's highly mobile wolf riders used hit-and-run tactics to raid ogre settlements, eventually shattering their hold on the region and seizing much of it for themselves. They pushed the ogres back within the walls of their stronghold, and Grommash became a legend among the clans.   Shortly after Blackhand was named Warchief of the Horde, he assigned specific roles to the various clans. The Redfang were among the clans that would make up the Horde's main fighting force, leading direct assaults on human end elven settlements and forming the backbone of the orcish army.   But the Redfang and Shattered Hand clans, in particular, had insatiable needs for violence. Following the Horde's defeat on at the end of the Orc War, the Redfang's warriors were forced to scatter into the far corners of the Savanah.   The Redfang had to live like that until the great extinction, their demonic power allowing them to survive.  

Modern history

The Red Fang are the red-skinned orc, Raiders in the Savage Savannah, they are known are fearless warriors. Extremely hostile, they generally attack at first sight. Their names come from the color of their skin, mixed with their brutaly, it was believed for a long time that this skin color was the result of countless bloodbaths. Empowered by demonic abilities, they are renowned killers.   When multiple faction of Green Earth union united, the Red Fang saw this as an opportunity to face a greater foe.


Savage Savannah
Red Orc Tribe


Tribal Kingdom
Rhorog Oknar Red-Fang
Founding Date
History of the Orcs  


Geopolitical, Clan

Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski


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