Savage Savannah Geographic Location in Toriel | World Anvil

Savage Savannah

A vast valley of dry grasslands burn by the sun nestled between the Mountains to the east and west, The savage savannah is the home of numerous clans and tribes. Here roam vast herds of knot-horned gazelle, flocks of elephant birds, prides of lean lions, and a menagerie of other beasts. Predatory wyvern range over the region’s grassy seas. Further north and south, the grass regains its color, the green tussocks growing to impressive heights in which the most dangerous of predators can roam.   Numerous beasts migrate across the savannah during the spring and fall. During this time, hunters from nearly every clan participate in extended expeditions.   Unspoiled by roads or buildings, the savage savannah is a land of striking natural beauty, where the plains and sky appear to go on forever. Craggy stone formations and ancient ruins dot windswept dry grasslands and plateaus, shading into scrubby badlands, rocky hills, and unwelcoming mountains. At the sun’s height, the grasslands shine like beaten gold, and the sunsets are incomparable. Magnificent storms spread clouds in a rainbow of colors, creating vistas exhilarating to those brave enough to weather them. The hills yield ancient treasures and a bounty of precious metals and stones.


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