North West Pact
If you ask me, that North West Pact will probably fall into infighting and break up long before Kuwvyana or Vyanutiqu even mobilise. They're just waiting. It's a matter of time.The North West Pact is a collective defense treaty between Ijwavya and three other states in the north west of Thurásin. Formed in 21 Contact, the Pact ensures that each country is defended in the event of an invasion from the north, or more recently from the east.
When the monarchy of Ijwavya was overthrown in 42 Famine - replaced by a democratic government - not all nearby countries were pleased. Notable among them was the Kingdom of Kuwvyana, whose monarchy was closely related to the deposed one, and which sheltered the exiled royals. Kuwvyana continued to fund monarchist groups in the new Republic, but found little success. This eventually led them to officially throw their weight behind the cause, invading Ijwavya's outlying islands in 19 Disturbance. This Ijwavya-Kuwvyana War lasted 8 years and resulted in the loss of two of the three islands for Ijwavya. The reason more islands were not lost was due to the intervention of Ijwavya's continental neighbours, Zhrayqarnyu and Shixiiwul. At war's end, Kuwvyana agreed to a truce, formally acknowledging Ijwavya's republic as legitimate. This did little to assuage fears on the continent that Kuwvyana would return soon to claim the last island, or to invade mainland Ijwavya.Pact
To this end, the trio of countries who fought Kuwvyana agreed to a series of treaties with each other, pledging to come to the others aid in times of war. This proto-North West Pact came in handy when Kuwvyana sneakily attempted to claim the last of Ijwavya's islands in 5 Contact., with their force being repelled easily. The island and much of Ijwavya's coast remained heavily fortified for years afterwards, in preparation for a third attempt. When this attempt did not come, Ijwavya, Zhrayqarnyu, and Shixiiwul decided to make their agreements simpler and more consistent. After years of negotiation, the three signed the North West Pact in 21 Contact, and made knowledge of the agreement public to dissuade Kuwvyana from attacking again. Not long after the publication of the Pact, the group were contacted by representatives from the nearby Republic of Lithuziiy, who were concerned that their west sea holdings would be endangered by any wars in the north west. Lithuziiy became an official signatory in 25 Contact.Post-Signing
Lithuziiy was followed by their own southern neighbour, the Republic of Glinzüchöl, who signed onto the Pact in 31 Contact. Upon joining, they were able to negotiate a change to the Pact's rules - that any signatory who attacked another member would be immediately removed from the treaty. Seen as a commonsense measure, it passed easily. Following the rule alteration, the Pact gained another new member in 5 Return - the Magocracy of Üükabwi-adh. While an initially enthusiastic member, eager to share their knowledge of magical defense with the rest of the pact, things quickly soured between them and Ijwavya - the only member of the pact they shared a border with. This dispute turned into the Mage War of 12 Return, with Üükabwi-adh seizing territory from Ijwavya. When the war ended a few months later, Üükabwi-adh was formally expelled from the Pact, and has made no effort to reapply. The war caused a great deal of stress amongst the Pact members, with some condemnation aimed at Glinzüchöl, who had failed to mobilise effectively until the war was all but over. In 16 Return, Glinzüchöl removed its signature from the Pact and left, though it did sign a treaty with Lithuziiy to maintain their personal alliance.Structure
The North West Pact currently has 4 members. Each member state provides representatives for two councils - the Civilian Pact Council, and the Military Pact Council. To the former are sent diplomats or heads of state/government, and to the latter are sent generals and military commanders. The Civilian Pact Council deals with the matter of foreign policy and local law, as it pertains to the Pact's agenda. Each state sends at least two representatives to each meeting, which are held once a month, though can be called at any time depending on circumstance. Decisions made by the CPC must be unanimous in order to come into effect. The Military Pact Council deals with the day-to-day running of each state's militaries, and how those militaries coordinate with each other in training and actual combat. Each state sends at least two representatives, and for important meetings will send their highest military officials. The MPC gives the CPC advice on military policy.Current Members
The Republic of Ijwavya was the one of the founders of the North West Pact, and its de facto leader. They're located on the northern shores of Thurásin.Zhrayqarnyu
The Kingdom of Zhrayqarnyu was one of the founders of the North West Pact. They're a small west-coast nation, with the highest elf population in the region.Shixiiwul
The Kingdom of Shixiiwul was one of the founders of the North West Pact. They're an inland monarchy, and the poorest country in the Pact.Lithuziiy
The Republic of Lithuziiy was the first country to join the Pact after it came into effect. They are a west-coast republic, with many merchant islands.Former Members
The Republic of Glinzüchöl was the second non-founder to join the Pact. They are a south-coast republic, and left due to being pacifistic.
Founding Date
21 Contact 51 Years Ago
Alliance, Generic
Ijwavya Founder
Zhrayqarnyu Founder
Shixiiwul Founder
Lithuziiy 25 Contact
Former Members
Glinzüchöl 31 Contact - 16 Return Üükabwi-adh 5 Return - 12 ReturnNorthern Aggression
Fireworks by davidgarry
Sword and Chainmail by stronytwoichmarzen
Mage War
The short-lived war between Ijwavya and Üükabwi-adh was the first major dispute in the North West Pact, and one that most external observers expected. The two had been tense neighbours for eras, dating back to when they were the subsidiaries of two rival powers. While the Pact hoped their shared distaste for Kuwvyana would smooth relations, this clearly failed. The Mage War itself began as a series of blunders and social faux pas, culminating in the Ijwavyamii President calling Üükabwi-adh's mage army "a legion of parlour tricksters". Refusing to let the slight past, said parlour tricksters seized control of a town on the border, beginning the months long standoff.Burning Book by Movidagrafica
This is really interesting. I like the detail about the former members - it really adds some life to the alliance. :) I love the flags you made for each place too!