Healer Profession in These, Our Broken Roads | World Anvil


A Healer is a psionicist whose primary psychic power is Healing. The Healer is probably one of the most diverse of the psychic roles.   There isn't a specific power or set of powers that are prerequisites for being called a psionic Healer, since the term is used as part of the community's lingo. However, one or more of the following powers may be considered to be part of a Healer repertoire.   A couple of other powers Healers might find useful are mild applications of Cryokinesis or Pyrokinesis, to apply icing or gentle heat for their patients. Also Resist Fatigue can come in handy when casualties are high, or Suppress Fear when the patient might have something like a fear of needles.   Another helpful power to have around is the Bio-metapsionic Increased Healing. But most Healers don't actually develop this power. It doubles healing ability, but anyone who has it in conjunction with a power like Healing doesn't get much benefit from it. It would be more practical to put more power into the Healing skill. Also, since this power comes from a different kind of psionic energy (metapsionics) it is more difficult to foster expertise. More often, those with metapsionic talents in support roles take on Increased Healing and assist in the psionic equivalent of field hospitals of the front lines.  

Offense & Defense

Most Healers, like most doctors, are dedicated towards healing and curing illness. Many actually take the Hippocratic Oath and work in the mainstream medical field. But with the danger of being a Psychic from many fronts, including governmental, supernatural, and even from other psionists, there are a few harmful and offensive powers some Healers employ:
Famous in the Field

Cover image: These, Our Broken Roads


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