Ukkhigil Settlement in Thelesia | World Anvil
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Home to the elusive and taciturn T'lopari people, Ukkhigil is the stronghold of the only known Moon Genasi in Thelesia. A city within an cavernous crater, the T'lopari pull their energies from the moons and from the meteoric viscera that remain in the crash site.


The T'lopari people are mistrustful, suspicious, and do not generally find anything of interest in the "gented'sul." Translate
Translation: Sun People
As such, finding an individual not of lunar descent in Ukkhigil is simultaneously a noteworthy and astonishing. Those who are freely allowed to walk amongst the T'lopari without sharing their ancestry have either allied themselves to a lunar diety and proven their loyalty to the T'lopari or have married into the clan — the latter being the more rare and complicated option.


The T'lopari have a loose government as they are a people of one mind. Their connection to the lunar bodies allow them a unique sense of the ebb and flow of nature, and are thus capable of minor telepathic communications. Their divine connections also allow them to remain aligned on most questions, and thus they avoid the fractious existence of most surface dwellers.


Outsiders are only allowed in the Moon Gardens, the level immediately below the surface where the T'lopari grow the majority of their foods. A dimly lit environment, numerous kinds of cave vegetation are consumed by the vegetarian T'lopari.   Below the Moon Gardens lies the Beco Skùros, Translate
Translation: Dark Alleys
where the darkness prevents intruders from diving further into the city.   The third level to the establishment is the Coënalta Translate
Translation: High Cavern
where most of the defensive capabilities of Ukkhigil reside.   The fourth level is where the Tribucalis Translate
Translation: Trading Courts
lies. Most of the trading in Ukkhigil takes place here in the cavernous markets between varying clans of the T'lopari.   The deepest level of Ukkhigil is known as Safunda and is where court is held on the infrequent occasions that it is deemed necessary. The Safunda contains the meteorite core that gives the T'lopari people their lunar connection and natural arcane powers.


No one outside of the T'lopari people know exaclty the resources that they possess, but on the rare occasions when visitors make their way to the Safunda see a lavishly decorated hall with a palace to match and enough food to feed all guests who might arrive.
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