Chestnut State Settlement in The World of Darkness - AA | World Anvil
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Chestnut State

Shadow Republic

Ruled by a Zwazo Nwa, this state is controlled by a woman both Sanguinar and of the Circle of the Crone. Not surprisingly, it is the state where most of the Cruac and voodoo blood magic is performed. Power always hangs heavy in the air and few are those who feel safe walking the state at night, lest they have protection from the Circle.
The sheriff, Denaria, is very seldom physically involved in meting out punishment. Rather, she weaves curses to cast upon those who breach the laws and let bad fortune take them.

State Laws

Feeding: All kindred with a haven in the State may feed on any unclaimed territory. Outsiders may only feed with permission from one who holds territory. All members of the Circle of the Crone may feed freely.
Havens: Havens may be established with permission from the Governor.
Disciplines: No restrictions save the laws of the Shadow Republic.


The Germantown-Chestnut Hill section of Philadelphia is about 7–8 miles northwest from the center of the city. The neighborhood of Germantown is rich in historic sites and buildings from the colonial era, a few of which are open to the public.

  Its namesake comes from when the village of Chestnut Hill was part of the German Township laid out by Francis Daniel Pastorius and came to include the settlements originally known as Sommerhausen and Crefeld, as well as part of Cresheim. The area generally served as a gateway between Philadelphia and the nearby farmlands. During the American Revolutionary War era (late 18th century), the area was one of many summer vacation spots due to its higher elevation, 400–500 feet (120 to 150 m) above sea level, and cooler temperatures than the historic Center City.

  The area today consists of Chestnut Hill, Mount Airy, Germantown, Morton, Wister, East Falls and Cedarbrook.

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