The Suspicious Prisoner Plot in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

The Suspicious Prisoner

The team have to deal with a prisoner of suspicious nature. He has been lifed by the Burgeaters and in the dungeon of their barracks. He is to be transferred to Orleans for trial & possible execution. His charges is multiple murders, and besides killing 6 commoners, has also killed 6 clerics, and 5 nobles.

Plot points/Scenes

Grimmaz & the team are called up to examine a prisoner. He is due to be handed off to the authorities of Orleans. He appears a weak skinny meek man, but there is something about him.   When they examine him, he is introduced as Pier Fee-Noire, and is constantly chained. They find that there seems to be another 'person' inhabiting him. Given time they can tease out the name Molloch.   When the team question him, he will reveal that he has murdered 17 people - 6 commoners, 6 monks, and 5 nobles. He will mention that he has killed 3 de Rais & 2 la Marchand. The latter two were murdered in the Cetral Massif with 3 commoners. The final commoner, a labourer, was murdered near the south eastern grove and seen by the local Fey who alerted the nearby authorities.   Pier will say that he is still hoping to be involved in the killing of Gabrielle de Rais. He knows he will not be able to directly but hopes to be touching or inhabiting the killer's body when it is done.   During the interviews, he will mention things about the team that only the individual would know, and use this to provoke them. He will try to get each to strike him, preferrably striking him down dead so he can be free of the body and able to attach himself to the individual. He is looking forward to die as Molloch has no use for Pier any more too.   He will tell them that he had accidentally spilled blood from a cut on his hand onto a summoning ritual written on a page in a book. Ever since Molloch get stronger with the sress of working for the de Rais & the la Marchand families. All tyhe while hearding voices, and getting stronger during each murder.   Pier may be trying to kill Gabrielle himself by by getting close to her when took back. He wants to take a permanent form and either way, through killing 18 people, or by being killed himself & released to travel the world as a spirit possessing people.   The team will have to think of what to do with him, executing him themselves or handing him over to the authorities in Orleans.


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