Pier Fee-Noire Character in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Pier Fee-Noire

Pier Fee-Noire is a Frankish serial killer. He is currently languishing in prison awaiting to be judged by the nobility of Orleans for the killing of 6 commoners, 6 priests & 5 nobles.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Pier Fee-Noire was born in the city of Orleans to a family of servants. As they were freepeople they could take up jobs with any family they wanted to and were usually paid well. Thus, Pier grew up in these circumstances that inmfluenced his current situation. Most of the family worked for many of the local nobles and high-ranking individuals. Most spent their time working at the estates of the de Rais & le Marchand families, and for the local church. There they were constantly abused at least subtlyby two of these families. The local Bishopric wasn't necesarily as bad as their power was slipping in the city for years due to some of the excesses of certain families. The mood of the family started to change from one off stoicm to one of horror when they saw the dark arts the de Rais & la Marchands were dabbling in. Not knowing who to turn to scarred many of them.   Pier was raised seeing this change before taking up the same profession. Starting young as a stable boy he saw the ingerent cruelty both of the families done and the constant backstabbing they took part in. He quickly was took into the house as a servant after a number of disappearances of other servants & indentured slaves. Exactly what happened to them still remains a mystery.   Growing up through his teenage years during this time, he saw elements of black magic taking place and soon lea\rned to keep his mouth shut. With this, he felt a gnawing fear that gradually heightened with time. More so, the de Rais were openly talked about such matters around him knowing that if he mentioned to the authorities he may just be next to disappear.   After reaching adulthood he could barely cope with the excesses & the evils he witnessed with the de Rais. All the while these were made worse by the growing power of their erstwhile allies, the la Marchands. Eventually, one fateful night, Pier was forced to clean up a room deep in the de Rais household that was used to carry out ritual magic. Cleaning the knife used to sacrifice a black cockrel he accidentally cut himself with it when a book fell off a table. Looking for a bit of cloth that had fallen too beside the book he noticed that it had fallen open at the page cncerning the summoning of an evil deity called Molloch. When went to close the book while tending the wound on his hand a drop of blood fell on the page of the ritual. It seemed to be absorbed by the page and fearing he may be in for trouble if hehad damaged the book he quickly tidied it up and went on his way.   Over the next few days th ewound healed but seemed to be slightly infected. Pier tried his best to work but found it hard with a constant pain in his scarred hand. The only relief came was when holding a knife or blade in it. All the while he heard voices in his ear ever since seeing the book page. Now they seemed to get stronger telling him that by spilling blood of three groups of people totalling six each would he be free.   Pier fought the urge to kill for years  until one day a thief in the market tried to jump him in an alleyway. Bringing out his seax, Pier stabbed him to death.   At this point, Pier felt as if he had been took over, by something ancient & powerful. It spoke to him as if right in his ear. It said it was Molloch and now it could come & go as it pleased, and it wanted more sacrifices. These were to be six commoners, six religious figures & six nobles.   At times from then on in bouts of great stress Molloch proceeded to take over for greater lengths of time. At these times, the usually mild mannered & meek Pier turned around. Aggressive, strong, and forceful, he scared his family & friends, and even the nobles he served noticed the change. Thinking they could use him to their own ends, the de Rais tried to use him to kill to their own ends. Unfortunately for them he murdered his handlers, two lords & a lady of their family.   Knowing he was now marked he fled to a monastery at the edge of Orleans where he proceeded to kill & hide the six monks who lived there before fleeing east again. Travelling through the Central Massif, he would chance upon a caravan being led by two low level la Marchand representatives heading east to Eschbach. Molloch let Pier have some control back but kept a tight leash. Over the course of the next two nights, he murdered three of the work hands claiming that they had ran off in the night, and when near the edge of Eschbach lands murdered the two la Marchands before damaging the caravan and pushing the remains into the undergrowh.   From there Pier made it as far as Eschbach. There he claimed to be a traveller sellingh knick-knacks that he had lifted from the caravan and acted as a peddler of such for a number of months.   Most would ignore him, and he knew he had to keep quiet for the foreseeable future knowing if people found out that he wasn't Hugh the Peddler, he would be damned.   Unfortuntely, with the comings & goings of many important people and the town growing under the rulership of a Lord Grimmaz Fyrwin, a census of sorts was bound to follow soon. Preparing to leave and push further east, Molloch saw the chance to force Pier to kill once more. With the groups of labourers present helping to build the town up, he struck. Killing one that was due to leave soon, he reasoned that the authorities would have difficulty finding out what happend. After all the labourer had family in Aachen that was expecting hm back. Maybe he got waylaid on the way there?   What he didn't take into account was the local military & the amount of Fey that abounded in the region. Killing the labourer just north of an old unused grove to the south east, he was seen. Regular patrols of both Burgeater regiment members & Fey, he was spotted & quickly arressted.   Having been interrogated by the sergeant-at-arms Mikhael Andolf, Father Tossil, members of the local council, and the Druidess Emma Duckthorne, they have came to the conclusion that there is something deeply wrong about Pier. Finding information about him from Orleans was easy, as they had found ou about the murders he had commited there and wanted him for murder too.   Now the authorities of Eschbach are going to have to deal with him and get the go ahead from Lord Fyrwin to transfer him to Orleans for him to be judged. In the cases there he was seen, primarily through scrying and the spoor of Moloch seemed to grow bright indeed.   Exactly why he is killing three sets of six is unknown, but suspected that he is trying to summon himself fully in the flesh.And he has mentioned that the last one may need to be a member of the de Rais family, preferrably Gabrielle de Rais.

Was a servant to the Orleans nobility Possibly possessed A serial killer wanted for murder

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Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Blue with a slight reddish glow, and sharp.
Balding at front, and pulled back, a grayish dark colour
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, dirty, and bruised.
5' 6"
120 lb
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Cover image: by Colonel 101


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