Easter Egg Challenge Plot in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Easter Egg Challenge

The team has a bit of fun on Easter. What will come of this?

Plot points/Scenes

The team are called in by Father Tossil. Somebody has left 3 eggs in a basket in front of the church. Unfortunately no-one can place who left them there and what the eggs actually are. Asking around they may find that someone fitting Dassem Luqman may be to blame. Exactly what the eggs are is anybodys guess.     A bit of investigation (possibly talkiing to Father Tossil, Emma Duckthorne, or one of the Treants, may allow for these to be identified. The eggs are as follows:  
  • Large egg the length of a human adult forearm. Mottled light green & brown. Quite leathery and tough. A green dragon's egg.
  • Large egg the size of an ostrich egg. Off-white & pinkish hue. Griffon's egg.
  • Large egg about the size of a Half-Orc's fist. Mottled brown & gray, Leathery & tough. A wyvern's egg.
    They can investigate this anyway they want in any order by any means. They can decide what to do with the eggs afterwards and have to avoid them being stolen or interfered with. No bounty is offered for their return is ever forthcoming.       Also, they get to celebrate Easter, and get to meet some more of the townspeople. This will allow for bits of information to be passed around and there is the chance that a few of the mercenaries of the Raven Queen's Guard atttack aiming their attacks at Eleia, not to kill but to scare her. They will be disguised as labourers who have just arrived a day or two beforehand. Their attacks are unarmed, but will draw basic weapons if forced too. It may cause a brawl to break out.   Along the way, they will also try to poison Grimmaz using his food & drink to do so. If Reolus tries any of this he may also be affected.*1   Amon may have a vision too. It is filled with Christian Iconography and he sees an old ruined church that contains an old piece of cloth that may have came from Jesus' clothing. He sees large birds with axe-like beaks on the island. Most of them are being hunted to near extinction.   Anselma gets a vision too, of a huge falling star passing over her forest home when it was young landing hundreds of miles away to thee south east. It gouges out a large region landing in the centre of it surrounded by high mountains & hilly scrubland.


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