A Spy is Found & Repentance is Deemed Necessary Plot in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

A Spy is Found & Repentance is Deemed Necessary

The team soon discover a spy is following them. Who are they and who do they work for?

Plot points/Scenes

The team are returning from a job, and discover that the fort & council has had a visit from bogus member of the court of Charlemagne. She claims to have been sent by the court on behalf of the le Marchand & de Rais families to make sure their latest escapades don't affect either.   Her name if pressured to is Eleia Gold, and has been hired through the usual channels of the Thieves of Frankia. Her handler is not part of the guild but a low-ranking mercenary who approached them looking to get information about a character called Cyreille, the strengs of the town, and what the team has been up to.   This includes checking with any records that are kept locally, speaking with the locals, if need be following the team. Most are tight-lipped about the coming & going of them but they do let slip that they were away at the Library of Alexandria, and there is bad blood between them & the de Rais family.   A few of the locals etc, let slip that something very dangerous was found on their travels and never want to discuss anything further.   It is up to the team to decide the fate of Eleia Gold, and she may be willing to help them in the long run.   Amon gets a shock too. Found to have parlayed with Stitchscar by being forced to admit it during a round of repentance & confession with Father Tossil. His Paladin skills are temporarily capped until he repents for it. This he might need help with.   He gets a shock too, that the parlay is an attempt by Stitchscar to corrupt him. He has waking nightmares of his body being corrupted. If he gets the chance to place the paper given to him by Stitchscar, he gets a paper cut from it. This may call up Stitchscar or another Cenobite or two. They will try to get him to go back to the Labyrinth to convert him to their side and make him a Cenobite.   At this point, Eschbach may suffer the attach from the Saxons, Undead & Shadar-Kai, triggering the Possible Shadar-Kai Intervention plot.


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