DaKu Series Super Computers Item in The Trident Coalition | World Anvil

DaKu Series Super Computers

The DaKu Series were the first super computers manufactured by Kassandra Cybernetics, and they’re known to have their flaws, but they are nowhere as bad as the Multipurpose Service Bot Mk I, that the Clear Corporation manufactured.

The name DaKu is just the "Da" and "Ku" characters in the Galactic Common syllabary, and the combination of the characters doesn’t really form a word. Some have tried to argue that it’s part of the word, for computer, but others point out that the argument makes no sense, because the Galactic Common word for Computer doesn’t contain either of those two characters. Others claim that it has some secret meaning to the Minoan Gentlemen’s Society, the crime organization that many members of House Volksmann are influential in, and that the computer manufacturer of the DaKu Series is a subsidiary of Volksmann Enterprises. The conspiracy theorists who makes this argument tend to get condescending answers and a few weeks later they usually vanish, never to be seen again.

The first four models had some issues, and didn’t quite live up to the term Super Computer. These were:

Item type
Electronic / Cybernetic
Subtype / Model
Related ethnicities
Related Condition


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