Los Angeles Settlement in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

Los Angeles

Los Angeles is the largest city in California and the second-largest city in the United States, with an estimated population of nearly 4 million. In 2018, the Los Angeles had the third-largest GDP in the world.

Home to the Chumash and Tongva, the area that became Los Angeles was colonised by Spain in 1542. The city was founded in 1781. In 1821, following the Mexican War of Independence, It became a part of Mexico. At the end of the Mexican–American War, Los Angeles and the rest of California became part of the United States. The discovery of oil in the 1890s brought rapid growth to the city.

In 2014, the city was the site of the largest chemical weapons attack on U.S. soil, when Samuel Sterns set off bombs containing Banner-Ross Serum and Gamma radiation accross the city, resulting in an estimated 20,000 people becoming Gamma Mutates. A cure was quickly developed and distributed by Bruce Banner , Betty Ross, Helen Cho, and The Alliance, but damage to infrastructure was massive, and rebuilding efforts are still ongoing.

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