The Alliance Organization in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

The Alliance

A superhero team created by Samuel Sterns.

Although they did carry out typically superheroic fuctions, fighting street-level crime, this was a front for their criminal activities. On Sterns's orders, they killed Geoffrey Crawford to prevent him developing a cure for Gamma Mutates, and planted bombs containing Banner-Ross Serum and sources of Gamma radiation throughout Los Angeles.

Despite their willingness to participate in what they believe to be a plan to hold the city government ransom, when civilians began mutating, the Alliance chose to return to the city to assist Bruce Banner, Betty Ross, and Helen Cho in containing the mutates and distributing a cure.

After the Los Angeles Incident, the members of the Alliance (except for Bi-Beast, who had apparently been killed) were arrested and sent to The Raft. They were later recruited by General Ross to serve on the first Thunderbolts team.

Articles under The Alliance