Road Rash Report in The Spiderweb | World Anvil

Road Rash

General Summary


The Vandals

Road Rash

    Vendetta and Yeti Boy both receive messages about the big race. Big Sis gets a desperate call from Marge Barrier, begging her to come work on her day off. Joni leaves as Dutch shows up at The Clinic. He's brought a new lift and workstation to install in the garage. Dutch also brought some parts and equipment for Charity to use on her Naginata. The three of them discussed the Vandals plans for after the race, and Dutch asked Colt about Joni, after sensing some tension there.   Disruptr spent her day at Grindstone, helping Martin Scragland repair the Tryptych servo-arm rig for Marge Barrier. Wendy was able to get the bionic arms functioning, but had to cannibalize some of her own tech in the process. Martin mentioned that he had a history with Scarlet Fox, and even though she was curious, Wendy sensed it would be better not to press him for details.   Kinetic was reviewing the information she got from Jay Shermer, when she was contacted by Charity's old friend, Hayoon. She asked if Rani would meet up with her, and she confessed that she needed to speak with Charity in person. Hayoon seemed more nervous than usual, and believed Charity to be in danger.   Joni arrived at D & D Pawn just in time to see Suzy Barrier being loaded into the back of a van and kidnapped. Joni gave chase on her stolen bike, before wolfing out and attacking the van. She ripped the driver out the vehicle, and gave the other goons in the van a savage beating. Joni found Suzy hooked up to an IV full of a viscous blue and purple substance, and hooked to a monitor through her cranial hack port. Joni called Wendy, hoping for some advice on what to do. Wendy suspected that this might be Neur0chrome, and told Joni to run, abandoning Suzy to the authorities.   Colt was late to pick up Rani for their first date, and dirty from a day of greasy work in the Clinic's garage. After a quick meal they went to meet up with Brett Buchanan at the biker bar, Guttersnipe. Brett gave his son the shirt and coat off his back, and introduced them to Lockjaw, the leader of the Steel Panthers. They also ran into Calamity, who could've sworn she recognized Rani from somewhere.   Charity met with her contact, Jerry Park, and entered the race. She told Jerry to call her V, and snuck Joni in as her groupie. While Colt and Rani watched the race, Brett tried to make peace with Joni. Vendetta was ruthless in a winning effort, as she brutalized the other racers before finishing in first place. With the races over, the Steel Panthers and their guests headed back to Guttersnipe for the VIP afterparty.
Report Date
05 Jan 2021


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