IC FAQ in The Skyrunner Tribe | World Anvil


  • Is the Tribe Neutral or Horde Aligned?

The Tribe is neutral. We do not hang out with the Alliance by any means but we do not attack them on sight either unless there is due cause. Additionally, we are not part of the Horde. Kwatoko Skyrunner never joined with High Cheiftain Cairne when he called the Tribes together to join the Horde. As such we are considered neutral allies with the Horde but are not beholden to their government, laws, or orders.

  • What are the Core Themes of this Tribe ICly?

As a guild we focus on a more mid-fantasy, medieval setting with restrictions within the world to make our experience more realistic. We cover themes in our stories that range from romance to betrayal. Aspects may include gore, language, cultural and social adversity (racism, sexism, classism, and other isms), emotional instability, mental conditions, mind control, drug use and addiction, and characters not always being able to save the day.

  • Does your Guild have Non-Tauren?

Yes. As part of the vision for the future Kanatu Skyrunner and his history with working with other races the tribe is open at all levels for other races. You can check out a full list of our members at Characters. We have specific Rites and a chain of command which you can view at Ranks, Rites and Celebrations.

  • Where is the In-Game Location for the Guild?

The Skyrunner Village is using Ghost Walker Post in Desolace for the In-Game Location.

  • What are World Updates?

World Updates, or Character Updates, are player written blurbs of character activities that do not necessarily need to be played out in-game and are meant to give an insight into a character's day to day life in addition to what they are doing currently within the story and provide story hooks for other players to go and RP with that individual. We post these on Discord for people to read and interact with one another.

  • What is the Notice Board?

The Notice Board is an IC hub of information that might be useful for your character to know. Including information about upcoming activities, a list of craftsman in the tribe, and some tasks that your alts can go on to help the story move forward.

  • Are there Restrictions on Travel Times?

Yes! We believe in injecting our RP with a fair bit of realism which means that in addition to things like injury, illness, and the need for supplies we also have set in place travel times. You can find out more about them in our Code of Conduct and RP Pillars article in the RP Pillars section. This also puts a restriction on the use of portals within our gaming style. Portals of all kinds either require heavy regents and power to create, are localized to main nexus point convergence and main cities, or the need to hire a portal master for an IC cost.

  • What is the Purpose of Permanent NPCs?

Perminant NPCs are characters that the Storytellers and Players can use to advance the storyline of the guild or specific character arcs. They help to flesh out the world that we RP in, provide critical tasks that help to keep the tribe functional within the setting and pass on critical information, lore, and skills to players. You can interact with any of the NPCs in the village and a full list of them can be seen in this section of Life with the Tribe

  • How do I rank up ICly?

IC Ranks are determined simply by how far your character wishes to progress and if the IC tribe considered an individual as worthy/able to take on the responsibilities of that Role. While the Rites of the Tribe can be completed by anyone to gain their power increases and IC prestige the only time your character will progress in rank is by talking to a member of the Leadership team and telling them that you want advancement. This follows the same idea that you get out of this guild what you put in.

IC ranks also stop being pure IC when considering them once you reach the Council Rank. These individuals are considered OOC members of the Leadership Team and have specific IC and OOC responsibilities among the Tribe.

  • What 'Cannon' height/weight/ages do you use?

Unfortunatly Wow has never been terribly clear on their specific biological sizes or the specific date/year we are currently in. To make our group more uniform we hold to the following resources:

Note that for Vulpera we don't have anything really confirmed so we are more flexible but tend to hold to Goblin Stats when all else fails. For Hybrid Races (Mok'nathal etc.) we tend to take the middle line of many of these stats unless there's specific lore examples.

  • What IC Classes/Roles are you looking for?

ICly we are open to most Classes and Roles. There's always room for various crafters and builds. We do have a large population of Druids, Alchemists, and Blacksmiths so if you are looking to fill in something that is more niche and unique it is recommended that you look at bringing in other classes and roles. Shamans, Spirit Walkers/Champions, Runemasters, Hunters, Braves/Warriors, Priests and Sunwalkers are all highly encouraged! Roles to fill would include more niche crafting positions, engineer type roles for The Skyship. A good place to look for ideas will be the Prestige Classes, Crafters and Tradesman of the Tribe, and the Existing Characters

  • What is the IC Power Scale of your Tribe?

This is a tricky question to answer. We fully believe and buy into the fantasy and magic of the world. We want people to have amazing character moments. That's part of why we play this game. But we also believe that fundamentally those cool moments only come about because there are real and very present dangers and limitations on characters. We also keep our story scope to a minimum. We won't ever be saving Orgrimmar from the whole of the Alliance. We won't be fighting Old Gods and Titans. We may deal with these aspects in our stories but we're not a whole world scope sort of guild. Instead, we focus much closer to ourselves in our arcs. Dealing with smaller sects of bad guys, less powerful monsters, and situations that put the focus on the character, not the end of the world.

  • What reactions does your Tribe have to Other Races?

This tribe ICly has spent the last several hundred years being a reclusive tauren only tribe. Only recently has it been opened up to other races. Icly the only races that would be accepted among their ranks are Horde Races (for more see Code of Conduct and RP Pillars ). Within those Tauren/Taunka/Highmountain, Orcs and Trolls will be the most easily accepted due to their cultural similarities. The most important thing to remember is that this is a traditional Tauren Tribe. As such anyone who joins its ranks are expected to conform to a tauren way of life. As such Goblins, Elves, Zandalari Trolls, and Pandaren might find it difficult to join with the tribe in a meaningful way. We do allow non-playable races to join the ranks under special circumstances so long as ICly it makes sense and it isn't breaking huge chunks of lore.

  • What reactions does your Tribe have to Specific Classes?

Classes become a bit more focused on what is reacted to negatively. Death Knights, Demon Hunters, necromancers, Warlocks, and Mages are pretty much reacted to negatively ICly due to their use of magics and general class feel. That is not to say that they are rejected outright but rather you will have a tough time gaining ground with the tribe on a social level. Demon Hunters, necromancers, and Warlocks specifically will 9/10 times be driven from Tribe lands so it really isn't recommended to be one within this tribe. We do fully encourage the use of RPG Classes when looking at a character as well as unique religious or cultural variations so long as it fits your character and their history.

  • What is your Relationship with the Wyverns and how does it affect your RP?

Wyverns are a critical part of our RP and Storytelling. Weh we founded the guild we wanted something that would allow us to stand out in the community, provide something new and exciting for players, and to help us manage travel times in a realistic way. Wyverns are a part of WoW lore that has some information but no one really focuses on them. We wanted to change that. Pulling in aspects of Lore and Quests overall WoW resources as well as doing a bit of our own world-building and head cannon work we've come up with a unique aspect of lore that allows us to hit all of these points. Wyverns dictate a lot of our RP experience from tribe world-building lore and history, to RP in the current day through combat and travel and rituals. Every player when they join gets a wyvern companion to use not only in events but to connect with as part of the tribe. When a member becomes a Windwarrior they become bonded with a wyvern of their choosing that can be used to an even greater degree. This keeps the wyverns present, ICly relevant, and keeps restrictions on IC mounts legitimate for uniformity but still unique to each player.

  • What is the Skyship?

The Skyship is a critical tool that the tribe is currently building that will transform the current Tribe Culture from stationary to semi-nomadic. It is a large zeppelin that can house part of the tribe and their wyverns for travel across the sea which opens up out campaigns and stories to other lands. The IC reason for this is that Kanatu believes with the Glade springing up in Desolace that the Tribe has fulfilled their duty to their ancestors and the Earthmother in restoring Desolace to its once-living state. Though the job is not complete he thinks that it is critical that the tribe take their ideas and powers out into the rest of the world to spread the will of the Earthmother.

  • Why Desolace?

Desolace was originally chosen for the main setting of our Tribe ICly for three main reasons. 1) It is in the open world. We are a guild that loves Open World RP and encourage it at every step which forces us away from main cities or common RP Hubs like Bloodhoof Village. 2) The Guild is Neutral. Being a group that is ICly not aligned with the Horde and falling under their governance means that Horde Specific villages were not going to be an option for us to use. 3) We wanted to create an air not only of hardship but also of deep shamanistic magic and lore. Desolace has a great deal of tauren history in it that is often overlooked. It speaks to a shamanistic heritage and has the element of hardship that forced the ancient people of the Skyrunner Tribe to turn to the Wyverns which forms the basis for our Current Story Arcs.

Cover image: BFA Wallpaper by Blizzard Entertainment