Winter Court Organization in The Realms Beyond | World Anvil

Winter Court

The Winter may bring slumber and death to the land, but it is a court of life. With festivities abound, and a wonderland of excitement and indulgence, Winter brings light and joy to this barren season. However, this land isn’t without its darkness. Shrouded in mystery and shadows, it is ruled by the magic of dreams. With endless ice and sea, it tests the endurance of even the strongest fae, both mentally and physically.   But with this shadowy world, where the days are short, light is the ultimate ally. Festivals aren’t just for mood, but to bring a brightness to the land, and in turn to the dreams. They bring light wherever they can, even going as far as making the plants glow, all to fight off nightmares.   After Atlantis was built many millennia ago, in the name of progress a magic was accidentally unleashed, which sunk the city in what is now called the Atlantis Sea, and created a treacherous ice desert bathed in dream magic in the far reaches of the land. Because of this event, many Winter inhabitants adopted a more naturalistic approach to living. They believed progress to be evil, and so it remained for a millennia. Then there were the progressives, those who refused to let one mistake hold back progress. They started to build cities and create bigger and more complicated magic to help society, like imbuing flora and fauna with magic that makes them glow and survive the harsh winter.   This has caused a variety of political and social rifts amongst many belonging to Winter Court. Some believe in progress, while many believe in a more natural way of living, and still others have a variety of different ideas. Naturalists have formed small communities away from the cities, and they revere those Fae who shapeshift into the natural wildlife above others. They are also trying to reverse the magic given to the plants.   Some prouder denisens of Winter boast in delight about its warriors, believing them to be the best, at least outside the the traditional military warriors of Summer. They believe the cold brings about an endurance, forming among the toughest and strongest fighters. Using waking dreams and stealth to their advantage, their solitary warriors fight with precision and deadly grace. Some train in Summer to come back to Winter, to increase their skills further. They seldom form brigades or platoons, or use massive war weapons (except for defense). The common tendency is to use the land to their advantage, usually in the shadows. The best of those warriors join an exclusive group known as The Nightmares, who go on to become skilled lone soldiers, scouts, rangers, spies or assassins.   Some Dreamweavers go on to become priests or priestesses of the temple of Azaur. Azaur was a Siren-Unicorn, one of the first Dream Weavers. She could control dreams exceedingly well, and was distantly related to the first Enduring King, Helliphae. The priests and priestesses help heal those who are plagued with mental problems and nightmare curses. For those who are exceptionally troubled, they often make a pilgrimage to the Ratundam Healing Pools to enter their dreams.  

Etiquette in Winter

  Winter once was a Court of Dreams and Rebirth, but over time has become a court of honor and sacrifice. Ever since the Atlantis war began in 1600 BCE, Winter has been in a perpetual state of conflict in some fashion. Though that is technically a mere footnote in millions of years of history, it has shaped many of the people of Winter into hardened warriors, but mostly has made others more suited to what Winter once was weary. But with great loss, also comes the admiration of life. Festivals are commonplace amongst the winter citizens, and while once these were used as a way to celebrate Dreams, now they largely commemorate and celebrate the fallen and those that have survived.   Those in court, or in ranks, always follow proper etiquette. Addressing higher ranks with proper titles, and bowing when necessary. For a strong army, particularly when trying to hold together against the faultiness of political difficulties, one needs to have respect amongst the ranks. There are some however, that still remember the wonder and dreaming of Winter's grace.  

Meeting the King:

There have been many ways to greet the Monarch in Winter as there have been Kings. Each one has had their own personal style. Helliphae preferred a hand pressed to the heart, Zenefar preferred a flourishing practiced bow, Feiliae liked to actually know about his courtiers. By the time Ayden became King, the tendency was to place ones right fist onto the center of the chest, and bow with ones' head angled slightly downward for mere seconds. This manner of greeting mimicked the Frost Army salute of respect, and was intended to offer a greeting while not expose the greeting person to attack. Kosumera prefers less formality, going by whatever title others wish, focused on working with people rather than being apart from them.  

Addressing the King:

Addressing the King has also shifted over time in Winter, with each Monarch. When Zenefar was King, he preferred to be called: Your Majesty. Rilek liked to be hailed as Divine Sir, which was considered a little of a verbal tangle to speak. King Maris only answered to Your Radiance, and recently, King Ayden preferred to be hailed as: my Lord. Any of the Kings of Winter, past or present may be referred to by any of their full titles as well: King and their given or regnal name, High Patriarch of the Winter Court, King of Dreams, Regent of the Rivers, Defender of the Brilliant Aurora, and a near endless number of epithets, so long as each is given with respect.  

Priestesses of the Temple of Azaur:

They refer to the ruling King as Lord, King, or Regent of Dreams.  


While it’s customary for Nightmares to call the ruling Regent the Lord or King of Dreams, it’s not strictly followed. Many may call the ruling Winter Monarch Lord and refer to him as King and the chosen name, but some use the full title of Lord of Dreams. A few older members refer to him as Watcher of the Shadows as another tradition.

Key Locations:

Within the Winter Court  

Also known as:

The Court of Shadows, the Court of Dreams, the Court of the Depths   Ruler : Kosumera, Lord of Winter, Lord of Dreams, Regent of the Waters   Element : Water / Ice  

Common Types of Fae :

  • Merrow
  • Sirens
  • Daimons
  • Shapeshifters
  • Nature Spirits (Water)
  • Dragons
  • Unicorns
Formation Type
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
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Notable Members