Sumiini Species in The Realm of Antir | World Anvil
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They are often called the "Diverkin" by other species for the fact that they are often seen diving or swimming in caverns. Most outsiders rarely see a Sumiini, as they live beyond the water filled caves of the Underdepths, which can only be accessed via diving. Their chosen caverns have pockets of air and self-replenishing oxygen from a selection of flora and fungi the Sumiini cultivate.   They are descended from a branch of Nympharum, and thus may have a distant common ancestor from the Fara (though this is disputed), being in the same family, but not genus, with hybridisation and crossbreeding not possible between them. They can however have offspring with the Enoh, being descended from a closer ancestor of the Dryadalis genus, though this is also rare given their seclusion.

Basic Information


Small bipedal anthropoids, they are neither particularly stocky nor slender. They do however possess a relatively high lung capacity and limb strength, with surprising flexibility, making them adept at swimming even without formal training. When trained however, they can remain underwater for hours without tiring or needing to surface for air. They have three fingers and two thumbs - the two thumbs are fused about halfway down. Similarly, their toes are in two sets of two semi-fused digits. Their hands and feet give them extraordinary climbing abilities, and they are able to cling to cavern ceilings with ease - it is thought they developed their diving skills as a means to escape the predators that could climb up to them in the ceilings. The rear side of their upper arms have small spiny fins, which aid greatly in manoeuvring whilst swimming.

Growth Rate & Stages

They continue developing until they're about 30 years old, being considered children up until the age of 20, and finally becoming adults around the age of 40. They have an unknown lifespan, it isn't uncommon to find Sumiini over the age of 500. They don't have a concept of Elders, both societally and physically - appearing unaging beyond 40-50.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have a slate grey skin, with eyes that have large whites and pupils, leaving a thin iris that is often a light blue or grey. This allows them to see in low light conditions, which when coupled with their large conical ears that can move independently, allows a pinpoint accuracy for any movement down in the Underdepths.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The inhabit areas across Eptan in the Underdepths, they are one of the only species to successfully live in smaller communities, given their unique habitat and lifestyle. There is no known above-ground Sumiini settlement, but a handful notably live in Enohwhenua.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Their native and most prominent language is Driisadae. There exists one creole, with Enohch, and many learn the language fully. It is not uncommon for them to learn other languages, and to then mess with outsiders by pretending they don't know that language, in jest.
Scientific Name
Nympharum Dryadalis Minutus
Average Height
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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