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The great capital of the Enoh-Hoana. Situated at one of the forks of the Oen-Iti River, which flows down to the great Fens of Enoh. It is both on the northern most part of Oen-Iti River, and the northern most city belonging to the Enoh. The city itself was crowned capital after the Purification, being the last great city owned to the Enoh-Hoana. It’s from here that the two colonies, now fully fledged cities, set out from. It currently holds around 2.5 million inhabitants, and is the scientific and power centre for the country.


Within the city, there are two large landmarks; The Coliseum, and the Chambers of Law (with the Academy). The Chambers of Law are visible from everywhere within the city, spiralling up into the sky some 200 metres. It is situated in the centre, at the end of the main promenade which stretches from the southern gate. This imposing building is covered in archways and windows. The lower area, where most of the Academy is located, is made from stone, carved out of a hill that used to sit alone on the plains. Part of this building extends into complete darkness, a couple of stories below the ground. The building is comprised of a main, central spire, surrounded by a few other thin spires. The top of the main spire is the consul office and apartment, followed by the senate hall underneath it. The Academy of Enohwhenua, often simply referred to as The Academy, covers much of the lower grounds in the main spire, and all of the three thin spires. Only the main entrance has a plaza with an open view, the rest is surrounded by a number of buildings and small alleyways.   The Academy is split into several departments and segments; Arcane Magic, Languages, History (Local and Foreign sub-departments), Technical Science (Engineering and Physics), Natural Science (Biology and Chemistry), and the Civics centre.


The city has a small wall around the centre, barely 10 metres tall and a few metres wide. Suburbs and boroughs have since climbed out of the city wall and boundaries, spilling onto the flood plains of the Oen-Iti River. Encasing this quaint city, is miles of mysterious orchards and, albeit some, crop-farms. In terms of raw food quantity, the city provides all itself. The orchards use an underground irrigation-flood plain, constructed by the Enoh-Hoana shortly after the Purification to solve the famine that followed. This system flows water to the entire area, covering all crops and fruits. It doesn’t use pipes, but instead is a great cavern latticed with pillars hewn from rock. In between these pillars are various canals and irrigation ditches that carry the water to wherever it is needed. The system is essentially automated, as the water flows in from the end of the river, always filling up the flow-ways. When a single area is low on water, it quickly gets filled and levelled out, acting as if it were a lake. Lastly, the synthetic roots that connect the actual roots to the water will always pull water upwards using capillary action. The only thing the Enoh-Hoana must do, is to clean it occasionally.   There are a number of myths and rumours concerning the system, as they are quoted by an investigator during the systems first appearance; ‘Is that so? You don’t see the darkness creeping up on the light? The ripples of water where there is no drop? The workers hear strange noises, a long groaning that echoes out from the deepest of pools in the centre of the city, surrounding the old walls. There are no roots there, no more canals, just the end of the line. It never gets cleaned anymore, there’s no use for it, the stagnant water just sits there, sometimes undisturbed for decades, centuries even. The shadows are said to climb the walls, swallow people in darkness and take them down to the abyss. The depths of the giant reservoir pools in the end of the cavern are littered with the drowning dead. So don’t slip and lose your footing, or we’ll be searching for your body next.’   The whole city was designed to control air flows from the fens and orchards, bringing in a sweet scent and cool breeze even in the heights of summer.


The Coliseum is a towering structure that imposes the power and grandeur of the Enoh-Hoana on all whom set their gaze upon it. The construction took a thousand lives and over 100 Antirian years to build, though much of the work was put on pause during both the Last Khasmari War and the Purification. The stonework is set with carvings and inscriptions from tales told all over the globe, across races and empires. The stadium has details of carved wood and timber lining the arches that encircle the surrounding plaza. While the Chambers of Law were constructed shortly after the crowning of the capital, the Coliseum finished construction about 200 Antirian years after, to celebrate the past 200 years of Enoh grandeur and prosperity, and by the time it was finished, the end of the Purification. The Coliseum was actually christened The Stadium of Fortune.
Founding Date
1692 PA
Alternative Name(s)
New Enohwhe, Beacon of Might
2.5 million
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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