dark elves

Twinrace to Light elves . Like light elves the dark elves have a strong bond to nature, stars and the moon. Unlike light elves they prefer exensive coniferous forests and live mainly on the ground, under overhanging rocks and in caves.

Basic Information


dark skinned, slim but strong built, dark haired, mostly bright coloures eyes with dark rings aroud Iris, ears slightly pointed

Genetics and Reproduction

very slow reproduction but long lifespan

Ecology and Habitats

moderate to subpolar climate, forests, preferrably coniferous

Dietary Needs and Habits

omnivores, hunters

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

extraordinary hearing, sharp eyes, birdspeech, magic
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
seven mortal races
created by one of the seven gods
multiple centuries
Average Height
5 feet
Average Weight
55-70 kg


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