"... And the other gods demanded Him to destroy the evil He had created but He refused. Thus they banished their brother to the Land he had created to live amongst the monsters that were his children. So powerfull were their spells that they could never undo them, even if they should ever wish so.
But they were not to have peace."
- "Of the beginning of time", unknown author
Beginning with the first of creation, history of time beginns with the immortal spirits, living in harmony for uncounted millenia. But when this harmony is disrupted, things start to change rapidly. The betrayal of a spirit, ths creation of a physical plane, shortly follwed by the birth of the first mortal creatures are just the beginning.
In this era of the world, the seven mortal races are born to take up the neverending war against the demons - the evil pest that lives in the vast and deadly desert. As each race finds their own way in the world, it is their cooperation that creates marvels that later eras will only be left to marvel at the ruins.
Under the skillful teachings of the immortals, the societies of the mortals develop and thrive.
At the leaving of the immortal spirits, the high tower remains as their gift, a powerfull magic structure from which its guardians may look afar and warn from many an attack by the demons. The high tower becomes the centre of power for all mortals. Here are soldiers trained for the battle and the old scrolls are taught to each new generation of mortals.
For many centuries however, fighting the demons remains the major part of all mortlas. Men and women fight and die alongside and there are no kingdoms and no kings.
click to see what happens later
All this changes with the end of the demon attacks after almost two thousand years of battle. Populations beginn to grow and hierachies become neccessary n many places. The women turn to raising children while the men work the fields. Less and less people take up their training as warriors or come to listen to the readings of the old scrolls.
All about the Land cities rise as do whole empires. The human race soon outnumbers the other six races. And spreading far and wide across the Land, they push the other races to the corners of the continent.
Squabbles and wars break out between the mortals and the first slaying among them occur. Especially humans quarrel over land and power, forgetting their true purpose, while other races turn to studying over books and days of straining their minds over spiritual subjects instead of training their bodies for battle.
And with the passing of generations, the mortals grow weak. Until one day battle commences again. The southward lands of the mages is suddenly destroyed by an immense power and wave after wave of demons rolls over the unguarded settlements all around the desert. The shocked mortals have to spring to their old and rusty weapons and drive back the black hordes.
With each year passing, the once massive population dwindles, less and less children are born or reach adulthood. Mass starvation and desease fall over the lands, especially the large cities. Many of these are abandoned or ransacked by the demons. Within the first few years, the high tower falls.
After the greater part of two decades, the mortal races are close to loosing. They have become few in number, their lines are broken, their camps are scattered, many have gone into hiding.
It is only then, that some of the immortals descend onto the Land against their orders to aid the mortals. With their aid the tide is turned, at least for a while. In the end however, to win the war they summon the oldest monster in existence, the souldestroyer. Lacking the strength however to ban it again after, they imprison it in the strongest of prisons and lock it away forever.
With the end of this war, the first Order ends. Those that survived look ahead into a new and changed world.
But times are changing, and to every peace there is an end. But to every end there is a new beginning.
This is era is the first part of a full history. To view the following eras visit:
The New World (2.Order)
The New World (3. Order)
The New Word (4. Order)