The New Word (4. Order)
The darkness at long last lifted from the Land and the few surviving men are confronted with an empty Land and their past lost in the dark days. Nothing but rumor can explain the end of the darkness and people still barely dare to believe the days of terror might be over.
Cities stand empty and fields deserted. But not many things were actually destroyed. Altough empty, most cities still stand, their winding roads and high walls a reminder of more glorious days. And the fields, now covered in wild flowers yet remember plough and mattock and often still hide some crop plants grown from seeds that are offsprings of those long ago sown by a loving hand. And as though celebrating the return of the sun, wild fruit and berries ripen to abundance under the golden rays of light. "Golden Summer", the first summer is called and with it returns the hope to the heart of men.
- unknown author during the last days of the golden summer
After beeing spoiled by the first summer a mild winter followed that cost few lives. And as spring returned the numbers of men grew instead of decreasing for the first time in uncounted years. Few years later - altough still few in numbers - mankind had recovered mostly from the dark days.
Only one thing seemed lost frever: Their past. With surviving beeing a nearly impossible fight during the dark days, the ability of reading was almost completely forgotten and the scrolls containing the history of past ages are now no more than thin scratches on parchment. But the last ones still remembering parts of this ancient skill came together to uncover it, immediately beginning to copy and collect every document they could get a hold on. This brotherhood in later days became the founders of the great library high up in the mountains, a place of teaching, knowledge and peace.
But as mankind flourishes dark things beginn to move again and a prophecy as old as time itself threatens to destroy all that we hold dear.