Deepglade Settlement in The Nordhavyn Isles | World Anvil


A free city focused on the natural resources, mainly wood and gemstones. They've lost focus on their past and tend to just focus on the tasks at hand.




Small earthen and wooden works focused primarily on thieves.

Industry & Trade

Lumber, both common and rare Jewels Game Iron Mines


Clearers Financial

Guilds and Factions

Woodworkers Jewelers Taxidermy


Founded early in the exodus due to its natural harbor and lush surroundings. The plentiful woodlands would allow for the continued construction and repair of the many ships coming the old world as well as needed for construction in the new land. Shortly afterwards though precious gems were found in scattered areas and caves which led to the creation of the primary industry; the mining, cutting and polishing of the gems. Renowned jewelers began to setup shop as the town grew in order to fashion beautiful jewelry. The inhabitants quickly forgot about the dangers they were escaping and instead focused on the good fortune of the land. The rejected the rule of The Vigilant Kingdom and appointment a respected family from the old world to rule them instead who promised to increase the wealth and status of the city


Many come to experience the glade and perhaps try to find some dropped or discarded gems. Perhaps they hope to find a mine too. Most come to hunt game in the hopes of finding some of the larger beasts to be made into trophies and brought back to their houses or places of business.


Heavily wooded with many different types of trees. The locals know their way around but visitors often get lost in the forest. This helps to hide the numerous mines located through the glade.

Natural Resources

Gems Rare wood Ample Game
Founding Date
Large town
Location under
Owning Organization
World Map
This is the world


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