Pseudodraicormr Species in The Nephalim's Asylum | World Anvil

Pseudodraicormr (SOO-dow-DrAYK-OR-mor)

Banner image by LordGalakrond using Canva.
The orb started to take shape and form two pairs of arms, a serpentine tail and a pair of hind legs. The body of the beast was massive, wrapping and filling the empty space of the binding circle as one-- no, three -- pairs of eyes flickered open to see Maylinn. . .
— Excerpt from the short story Birth of Asal
  The Pseudodraicormr are false versions, or "False Scales," of the Draicormr. They were brought to life as an accident, much like the Jotun were. They possess similar abilities of the Draicormr but with more limitations. Beware the false scales of their hides, for it could be your undoing.

Basic Information


Pseudodraicormr, like in their name, are false Draicormr. They are smaller than the Draicormr, but possess some of the same features and magicks as they do.
Each of the different Pseudodraicormr types have their own unique forms, but mostly the following are featured with the differences being detailed in future articles:
  • Torso
  • Head
  • Tail
  • Wings (sometimes)
  • Back Sail or sails
  • Legs/Arms
  • Claws

Biological Traits

The biological traits of each Pseudodraicormr depends on the alignment of Planar Sakti.

Genetics and Reproduction

Psuedodraicormr reproduce like snakes do. Females lay a nest up to 6-9 eggs with a gestation period of 28-55 days while the mother will either sate her hunger with Sakti, or go out to feast on the creatures in their territory.   Sadly, after the gestation process is finished and the Pseudodraicormr are born, only one third of the nest will survive due to their natural untamed Sakti pool.

Growth Rate & Stages

The False Scales go through three phases in their lives with a pause around 1 or more year(s) between each stage.   Wyrm: When the Pseudodraicormr are first born they are called Wyrms. A Wyrm is the first stage of the Pseudodriacormr's life cycle. At this phase they are around the size of a large house-cat or lynx.   At this stage, the magicks within are chaotic and rambunctious. After a few hard lessons and repeated warnings by their parents, they usually learn quickly not to use it, because their Sakti can damage them and their egg-siblings as well.
As they grow, their already impressive Sakti pool grows even greater, but it also fluctuates less. They become more comfortable with it, making it safer for them to use.   Drake: This is the second stage in the Pseudodriacormr life cycle. The Drake is around the size of an average bear.   At this point in their life, the Pseudodraicormr's magicks are slightly more tame. The Pseudodraicormr will also be able to cast some elemental spells or travel between the Realms they're most attuned to, as their Sakti pool has grown.   Great Wyrm: Great Wyrm is the final stage of the Pseudodraicormr's life cycle.
Great Wyrms are at the peak of their growth, being around the size of prehistoric dire bears. They are able to sharpen their claws or tail blades on the roofs of caves.   At this point, the Pseudodraicormr has more control over their Sakti pool. The Pseudodraicormr now has a small list of spell-like abilities that they can call upon from their pool, if they so choose to.

Ecology and Habitats

The habitats of Pseudodraicormr vary with their Planar ancestry or attunements.   For example, the Reapadair Pseudodraicormr like the cold and bone decor of Helheim.
The Vietor Pseudodraicormr prefer the fire and constant shifting of the plane that is Limbo. The Alfimer Pseudodraicormr enjoy the calming and ever presence mist from Niflheim, as well as the divine company of the Sidqiel.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Pseudodraicormr need to eat rarely as the magickal essence inside them sustains them for long periods of time. But when the Sakti inside of them cannot sustain them or if their favorite taste come to mind, they need to eat a little more than their body weight.   Hunting for the Pseudodraicormr is fairly easy because of the Elementa and Planar Sakti that rest within.   Planar magicks provide them with an almost teleportation like ability when, in all reality, they're shifting between different Realms. But this only explains how they get around from place to place. Pseudodraicormir have specialized membranes that allow them to see beyond the veil of the other realms, and they are capable of hunting prey that are not even in the same plane as them.   Is the membrane still useful?
Sadly this membrane has become useless since the Broken Branch Event as the veil between the Realms is no more.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Pseudodraicormr are solitary predators with a territorial instinct. Contact to mating and resolving disputes and issues of dominance.  

Settling Disputes The Pseudodraicormr Way

The Pseudodraicormr have a rather interesting way of fighting. When two Pseudodraicormr get into a struggle, it is through a fight of wits and bloody wounds is it resolved.   The fight itself is a wonderfully hilarious thing to watch as the Psuedodraicormr will take turns degrading one another. The jokes often involve Pseudodraicormr mothers, fathers, hatchlings, and even the looks of the opponent.   If the opponent laughs, they're smacked, scratched, or bloodied in some way whatever the victor chooses. This is usually either by claw, tooth, or a quick slap of the Pseudodraicormr tail.   The Pseudodraicormr will engage in this quarrel for three out of five victories, with bruises and scars as reminders of their losses. Once the victor is achieved the loser will have to give up apart of themselves as well as their territory. The piece given usually is a scale. But there have been instances where the loser has given a part of their sail, tooth, or even claw.


The Pseudodraicormr can be tamed at a young age, but when the Pseudodraicormr is older, this is more difficult and less common to occur. Unless the Pseudodraicormr seeks out and deems you worthy of its bond. This bond is magickal and can only be broken by death of one of the bound parties. Hence the pickiness.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Pseudodraicormr has a lot of useful magickal components throughout its entire body.   The membrane in their eyes can be used to make goggles able to see between the veil like them. The bones from their skeletons can be, if threaded into the fabric of clothing properly, can make warding from harmful spiritual entities.
The hide can be turned into beautiful and extravagant clothing, shields, and armor.   The Wings of an Alfimer Pseudodraicormr will fetch high pricing among Occult collectors for if they are woven with shirts, jackets, or coats of any kind. The wearer of the enchanted garment will gain the ability to fly like they've always had such wings for their whole life.   The claws can be crafted into powerful occult weaponry, ammunition, or even blessed brews made with alchemy.   Pseudodraicormr Object of Occult
One of these weapons is the Angelic blade, Anarchy, being made from the tail blade of a Reapadair Pseudodraicormr.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The False Scales prefer to be in places that are either: dark, warm, and have a lot of access to their prey of choice. Of course, this can change depending on what the Planar Sakti alignment is of the Pseudodraicormr.

Average Intelligence

These creatures are tricky and cunning. They have the average intelligence of the Draicormr they're named from. They also understand when it comes to disputes with their clutches and chose to settle a different way. More information later on.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Pseudodriacormr have refined versions of Human senses with the ability to see into both the ultraviolet and the infrared spectrum. They are also magickal beasts by nature, having access to Sakti and with it, abilities from the Elementa and Planar types of Sakti.   Usually this results in a Pseudodraicormr phasing in and out of the world with the use of the Planar Sakti before they release deadly blasts of elemental energy using the Elementa Sakti.   Can Pseudodraicormr become more?
Some of the Pseudodraicormr have even been able to achieve the status of Witch Soul, like Asal. Others have been able to gain the talents of Sakti spell casting. While this is rare, it has happened.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Each Planar Sakti attuned Pseudodraicormr has their own views on the other sapient species, but they'll all agree with two things.   1: The Angels are never to be trusted and must never be sought out to kill, maime, or steal from.
2: The Humans are an interesting bunch that could be useful in future endeavor. But they are not ready to have the Supernatural world be known to them.   Is #2 still in effect?
Number 2 is irrelevant because of the Broken Branch Event.
Scientific Name
Draiconis Reptilia Pseudo
Reapadair, Alfimer, Vietor
1-2 millennia
Average Height
11-14 feet or 3.4-4.3 meters when bipedal.
Average Weight
2000-3500 lbs or 907.1-1587.5 kg.
Average Length
20-30 feet or 6-9.1 meters from head to tail tip.
Average Physique
The Pseudodraicormr are strong, not just magickally, but physically as well. They need to be for the prey they hunt, since most of the creatures they desire to eat can injure them badly if they are not careful.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The base color of the Pseudodraicormr is usually dark grey, but they've been known to be blacker than pitch. Another factor for scale color is what the Planar Sakti alignment is.   Reapadair: The Helheim Pseudodraicormr come in shades of white, ice blue, or even albinism in rare cases.
Afimer: The Niflheim Pseudodraicormr appear in lighter versions of white, tan, and even green.
Vietor: The Demonic Pseudodraicormr of Limbo appear in shades of red, charcoal, and rustic browns.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Pseudodraicormr Article Banner by LordGalakrond