Jotun Species in The Nephalim's Asylum | World Anvil


The Stone Sentinals Accidental Birth

They were an accidental race on the Prime Realm because of Virgil's half-fast creation with the realms. He made the Jotun and the other 3 Realms, Helheim and Niflheim, while Galakrond made the Shade Between.

Basic Information


Jotuns have humanoid statures but with stone for skin and one set of tusks (minimal).

Biological Traits

It is unknown to how long they lived since the Angelic Crusades completely wiped out any major historical evidence, besides the memories of The Court, a group of Angels who keep the Sidqiel in line.

Genetics and Reproduction

Jotun want to be left to their solitary lives only coming out once every 50 years to mate. The mothers after mating always knows if they are pregnant or not. If the mother is not pregnant then she will be deemed Unlucky or Unfertile by the other male Jotuns. The female after the mating will have to wait another 50 years to redeem herself.   Once the mother is pregnant then she will have to carry them for 3 months, after this she will build a body for their essence to go into and they are "born."

Growth Rate & Stages

After a young Jotun's body is made, courtesy of the mother, they baby will begin to grow and become accustomed to their new form. This process can take a day to even a month for them to be fully accustomed. Once they are used to their body it grows and even magickly changes to the realm they are in or whatever realm they choose, if they know them.

Ecology and Habitats

The Jotun don't care about thier environment only that they have a strong connection for it. With that connection they have the magickal capabilities of that Realm, the Svartl Jotun are mainly Mist and Light (Niflheim), the Muspel Jotun are Dark and Fire (Limbo), while the Nex Jotun are Cold and Ice (Helheim).

Dietary Needs and Habits

They need only to eat rocks or other minerals from the Realm to fuel themselves, although they will have a favorite mineral.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They were distributed to all of the know realms before the Angelic Crusades then all were either turned to their descendants, the Sidqiel, or were captured by Sakti'had and made to fight in Had's Battleground.

Average Intelligence

They have the same intellegence as a human but rely more on their animalistic nature.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Jotun are powerful and creatures of the realms, they are made of and with the realms (excluding the Shade Between). They have the natural senses as well as a sixth sense to adapt to any given environment.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

All Jotun have moss that grows from them. This both shows their beauty and their choice on mating. The moss have a lot to deal with their society.

Gender Ideals

Females are expected to have softer moss while males have rougher moss.

Courtship Ideals

Jotuns don't have marrages or realationships. The only time they see other Jotun is either with their mothers until their 1st century or for mating every 50 years.

Common Dress Code

Jotun mostly do not wear clothing but have worn armor in the Angelic Crusades.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They thought the Humanity were nice. The Angels were savage animalistic monsters that should not be trusted. The Draicormr were a interresting race that would butt-heads with them. Only the Muspel Jotun would talk to the Demons of Limbo
Genetic Descendants
Muspel, Nex, Svartl
Average Height
Average Weight
1-3 tons
Average Physique
All Jotun are strong and none can suffer from any disease due to their magickal essence they have.