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The Kikipua are a race of reptilian humanoids with scaly skin that ranges in color from earthy browns and greens to deep reds and oranges. They have bright, piercing eyes, and their mouths are filled with sharp, serrated teeth. Outside of the Great Ring, the Kikipua are the most common sapient species, and there are several ethnic groups who live among the Million Islands. The most populous of these are the Mu'o'a and the Naga, although the Aten and the Chilseongsin are also well represented. They are also the parent race of the Zmei, who resemble them externally but have a different thermoregulatory system.

Basic Information


Appearance can vary greatly between different ethnicities, but all Kikipua share some traits in common. They are bipedal, and have five clawed fingers on each hand. They have a long pointed snout and sharp teeth. Their eyes face forward and have a yellowish gold sclera and round pupils. All Kikipua have a long tail, which helps with their balance, and also features heavily in their body language. Their scaly skin can have a wide range of colors and markings. Common colors include earthy browns and greens, as well as deep reds and oranges. Different ethnicities will often have their own preferences for scale color - the Naga prize bright green scales, while the Aten have shiny black scales. They may also have markings in contrasting colors, such as stripes or spots, which serve as camouflage in their natural environment. These markings are often unique to each individual and can be used to identify members of the same family or community.

Genetics and Reproduction

Kikipua are oviparous and share a communal nest. A typical Kikipua female will usually lay 2-4 eggs once a year, although clutches of 8 have been recorded. Sometimes they choose to lay less frequently but they cannot produce more than one clutch per year. Nests are usually in a subterranean chamber to ensure consistent temperature and moisture levels, and are guarded by the community during the nine months it takes them to hatch. The nest is considered the realm of the community, and specific parentage is not tracked. Up to two hundred adults may be associated to a particular nest; groups larger than this will split into more than one nesting site.

Growth Rate & Stages

Kikipua hatch from their eggs after a nine-month incubation period, with a size and physical maturity that is similar to that of a human infant. They reach sexual maturity about fifteen years after hatching, and have equivalent lifespans to humans.

Ecology and Habitats

The Kikipua are highly adaptable and can be found throughout the southern regions of the Great Ring. They prefer warm, humid climates and find cold environments extremely unpleasant, unlike their Zmei cousins. Kikipua who venture into cold environments will take measures to ensure their comfort, wearing thick clothing and remaining near heat sources whenever possible.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Kikipua are primarily carnivorous and hunt a wide range of prey, including fish, small mammals, and birds. They cannot survive on vegetarian diets, and plants make up a relatively small portion of their cuisine when compared to humans.

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