Irlatxikia Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Irlatxikia (irˈlatʃikia)

Irlatxikia is the second largest island in the Biluzik Archipelago. It is techincally ruled by the independent nation of Erreserba, but exists as a protectorate of the Kingdom of Herria. More than ninety percent of the population is Kikipua, from the Nagahasana ethnicity. The island came under the protection of Herria nearly five hundred years ago, when Crown Prince Zuriko Zai became enamored of the Hansee ka Pyaar, the Nagahasna philosophy of laughter. He spent a large amount of time among the Nagahasana before ascending to the throne, and when he became king he brokered an arrangement with the leaders of Irlatxikia to provide lasting protection to the island and its people. The arrangement stipulates that the crown prince of Herria will also bear the title of Babeslea (Protector, in the Hizkuntza language), and that only the Babeslea of Irlatxikia could ascend to the throne of Herria. Furthermore, the Babeslea must live on Irlatxikia and among the Nagahasana. King Zuriko Zai felt that this would be an essential part of the education of future kings, and it is an opinion shared by many of his descendents. The current king of Herria, Zorian Zai, described the experience as the most humbling in his life, "like living in a court full of jesters, all cleverer than you and ready to unveil any absurdity in your thinking". The current Babeslea of Iratxikia is Zuzenna Zai, Crown Princess of Herria, and has held the position since she was seven, when she officially became the heir.   The largest city on the island is Sauba, which sits on the largest natural harbor in the Great Ring. The court of the Babeslea is here, along with nearly all the humans who live on the island.   The island is known for the many megalithic stone structures that are found all over the landscape. Nagahasana tradition holds that these were constructuted by a race of giants that inhabited the island long before their ancestors migrated from Saba, who may be related to the strange creatures who still live in the Rasrathnii Islands. The surviving structures are mostly great stone mausoleums, although there are also stone circles, menhirs, and towers. The Nagahasana leave the structures alone, considering them to be monuments to a people lost to time.

Notable Spirits

Like all the islands in the region, the eidolons of the dead seem to attach themselves to the landscape, and become the spirits of the island. While not all the eidolons persist, there are many small gods and spirits who are honored by the Nagahasana, and who can bestow small blessings upon their descendents.


In the north is a wild and rugged coastline with sparse vegetation, and beaches of golden sand, and a large number of small rocky islets. In the south are limestone cliffs and deep ravines. Along the southern shore are numerous white sandy coves surrounded by pines. The eastern coast has the great harbor of Sauba, which stretches for nearly three miles of deep water into the interior of the island.


The island has an abundance of birds, reptiles, and insects. There are no large mammals native to the island, but rabbits, bats, and mice are commonplace. Wildflowers are found throughout the island, and there are over forty species of orchid present, some of which are unique to Irlatxikia. Clouds of butterflies descend on the island annually, and are the inspiriation for a great celebration among the Nagahasana. In the forests, pine trees are plentiful, and the native tree frogs are heard day and night.
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Geographic Details
Location: The Middlesea
Latitude: 38.88 degrees North
Longitude: 25.13 degrees East
Average Elevation: 72 ft
Highest Point: 1,106 ft
Lowest Point: -7 ft
Area: 360.11 sq mi


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