High Elf Ethnicity in The March | World Anvil
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High Elf

The "High Elves" of Avienne are a graceful and beautiful people, masters (many believe discoverers) of arcane magic, and one of the most artistic cultures in all of Errath . Naturally tied to the plane of air, the High Elves carry a bit of that grace and etherealness in most of their actions. The highest nobility of Avienne have birdlike wings that rise from their shoulders, though few have been seen since the Dragon War . Of all the Elf tribes the Hi'Thien drifted the furthest from nature and natural magic, embracing arcane spells as part of normal life. A somewhat ironic twist, as their place ruling one of the most powerful Midlands nations has made them what most think of as "standard" elves.   The elves of Avienne were originally withdrawn from the rest of the world, but history says they ended their seclusion to ally with the Helvenic Empire to put down the great Orc Horde of Gorano. Since then they have journeyed the world, and the secrets of their magic have been shared. Through history the nation of Avienne has been at times withdrawn, other times they have been the greatest of diplomats, and twice they have been conquerors.   Their anicent homeland is lost however since the Dragon War, forever altered and much of it corrupted by infernal invasion. Some had moved to Addam over the years, and so many fled to that country as refugees. With their wealth and their traditional esteem in Helvenic society, they are the most favorably viewed elven people in Addam, though many are mocked as cowards after Helgest captured their land, and the unpopular view of elves in Addam is spreading to them. There is no love lost between the High Elves and the Red Elves either, as the two groups have had a long standing rivalry. The High elves tend to look at the Red as backwards and primitive.   Appearance: Hi'Thien are normally pale skinned, with hair ranging from woody brown through platinum blond. Their eyes are normally shades of sky blue to cloud white. The Hi'thien also tend towards taller builds. The highest royals of the Avienne line were known for the beautiful birdlike wings that allowed them to fly, but only two are known to have survived the Dragon War.
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