Adam Faera Character in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil

Adam Faera

If anyone were to ask who some of the most influential mortal figures in the history of Abilor were, one would be factually incorrect to not include Adam Faera. Born to an Arcadian noble family his magical aptitude ensured that he would receive the best education available. One of the shining graduates of the Arcane University of Titanus along with Tandil Eranthur, Isunder, and Thaler; he quickly found himself under the employ and in the inner circle of the Arcadian royal family as the official kingdom's Court Wizard. He was privy to the kingdom's secrets including the Vampirism affecting the entire family kept hidden from the public. During his service he later became the young prince Oliver Reynold's tutor.   Faera was responsible for many of the major decisions of court and the functions that could not be attended to due to King Colart Reynold's condition. Just before he ascended to his position, the Caeladonia-Randgriz war broke out, threatening Arcadia in the crossfire. The King focused on troop movement and protecting his people while armies threatened their borders, enemy ships patrolled their waters, and a mobster named Sigi was coming dangerously close to running their capitol. Faera started to try and find ways to solve the problems plaguing Arcadia on his own.   He rescued Karyb and Dacen Nothius from an ambush of Sigi's men and quickly seeing what they were capable of, created a plan to use them as free agents unconnected officially to Arcadia to work on taking out Sigi and destabilizing the Randgriz Empire's war effort. With their help the Sapphire Isles became independent from the Empire crippling their source of famously strong viking fighters. They also went on to find Sigi's true identity allowing Faera to have him arrested and his assets seized.   At the same time, he established connection with his old friend Thaler in Titanus to assist him in finding a way to make the city independent from Caeladonia and harm their war effort. Thaler went through with the plan especially sweetened by the promise of Sigi's assets being sold to him. In the wake of Liberus' destruction, Faera established strong connections between Thaler's Waterfront Industries and Arcadia to make them into an economic powerhouse including the invention and development of the Soulforged race with the help of the Ascended Heroes; while at the same time mentoring Anna Blackfist as the new Lord of the isles to keep a strong alliance with the fledgling kingdom.    During the time the Ascended Heroes walked the earth, Faera became very close with Dacen Nothius both training him in his cutting edge specialty of time magic and entering a romantic relationship, though his duty to his kingdom ensured they were never truly able to devote everything to each other. Dacen's obsession with their old friend Roderic Gaspard's dying words was repeated to Faera who became increasingly interested in uncovering his home, but not enough for Dacen to eventually go off on his own to discover what he could. After the heroes ascension he became one of Samuel Eshpard's guardians and mentors.   Heeding the words of the Corrupted Invaders, Faera continued with his and Dacen's mission to save their world and ensure Loredas' safety. With the assistance of Waterfront Industries and the Sapphire Isles, Arcadia formed the Voyagers who went on their doomed expedition but found that there was a massive world below covered in dangerous Deridah getting dangerously close to their floating home. Recognizing the danger Faera formed the ARCS Federation out of an alliance of the four kingdoms of Loredas as an effort to focus on their greater enemy, with himself as the de facto leader and Arcadian representative.    Faera was directly responsible for uniting the Godkillers as an expedition team and supporting them for a large portion of their mission; before he was killed by a Dimeritium spider and explosive trap, framing them and the spider's inventor Tandil Eranthur for his assassination by Thaler and Maximilian Caelos V. His soul was captured in an Obsidian bottle to keep him from being able to speak about the events leading to his death during the time period that access to the Aether by the living was seen as much easier.   His soul remained held in the castle as his legacy was being dismantled by his killer until Maximilian Caelos V's Killers were able to avenge him and free his soul. His spirit stuck around for a time to ensure a peaceful transition of power to one of his rescuers Dacen Nothius who he knew had the training and ability to become the kingdom's new leader. Finally satisfied with a lifetime of service to his home he passed on peacefully to the Aether.
109 ARLH 201 ARLH 92 years old
Circumstances of Death
Assassinated with an invention of Tandil Eranthur by a plot created by Thaler and Maximilian Caelos V


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