Waterfront Industries Organization in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil

Waterfront Industries


While Waterfront Industries was "officially" founded in 152, the name was something that it's founder Thaler⁣ had used as a name for his fake company in all of his criminal business dealings. He used it as his company name once establishing a shop in Liberus⁣ and hiring several adventurers in various s⁣ to establish control in the city's underworld and damage Caeladonian⁣ interests.    When his alliance with Adam Faera⁣ and Arcadia⁣ were solidified, and Liberus unfortunatley destroyed, he used his political pull to start Waterfront Industries in earnest as a research and development company, keeping his significant underworld ties.   They were involved in development of the ships used by the Voyagers⁣ to reach the edge of Loredas⁣, the airships used by the expedition crews and Godkillers⁣, development of the Lycan⁣ series of transformable weapons (the original schematics of which were stolen from Crux⁣ and his father on Thaler's orders), and the printing and distribution of the Danger Demons Card Game, the production of the bodies of Soulforged, the eventual acquisition of the Obsidian mine on the Obsidian Tower, and much more used in every day adventuring, capitalizing on the entire world of discovery to be made below Loredas.


In 207, Thaler⁣, in an attempt to finally realize his goal of becoming a more powerful world leader than ever before, tried to take the power of the Gigas⁣ of life, Anima, using Fortune Networks⁣ as his pawns in that goal. The group of adventurers were able to stop him with the help of Jakki⁣ and Drake⁣.    After his death and the loss of considerable resources in his pursuits, major members of the company and Aien Yinvyre⁣ descended on the company's assets splitting it into the official branch of Fortune Networks⁣ who were able to establish much of the former company's political pull and all of the Danger Demons Card Game⁣ assets.   Nimbus Industries formed with the vehicle production and travel arm of the company   Enigma Futuristics re-established relations with Arcadia⁣ and became the producers of prosthesis and Soulforged⁣ bodies   Entropy Inc went on to continue production of weapons, including the Lycan⁣ series. Most of the engineers were able to claim the blueprints and design before company heads could get them, chief of which was the elf Vorda who became the founder of Entropy.   The Old Ax Supplier Company formed from the rest of the assets and brick and mortar locations to dominate the general adventurer supply industry   The Flumphs of the Obsidian Tower⁣ mine were able to use the lack of oversight and chaos of Waterfront Industries' collapse to establish themselves as their own owners and an independent entity.

138 - 207

Corporation, Research & Development
Subsidiary Organizations
Manufactured Items
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