Caeladonia Geographic Location in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil


Caeladonia was formed by its first King Titus Caelos after his father created much of the groundwork for a functioning civilization with its capitol as Titanus. The fledgling religion, the Church of Pseales attached themselves to the growing civilization and eventually became large enough to start influencing politics.   During the Arcadian Civil War, their top general was executed after an inquisition proved that he was using the war for his own ends. This both harmed the Caeldonian crown, and bolstered the support for the "uncorruptable" Church of Pseales. They used this to continue to push their agenda, executing infidels and Changelings wherever they found them. Soon after, the capitol was moved to the City of Glass   During the Caeladonia-Randgriz war a conspiracy was found that the government was willingly allow Vampires to feast on the citizens of Titanus in exchange for payment and vampire blood. The outraged citizens rose up and seceded from the kingdom.   The biggest blow was when the Ascended Heroes and Thaler's Enforcers destroyed their holy mirror, ousted the Archbishop of Pseales as a mage in disguise and the dragon Myzilith destroyed the central temple. The religion later rebranded as "New Pseales" with less violent means and a less centralized leadership.   The Kingdom gained temporary control over Arcadia before the Prince was assassinated and control returned to the natives. The kingdom has been fairly quiet on the world stage ever since.


Icy mountains in the north, with most of the rest of the country being taken up by rolling hills, plains, rivers, and lakes.
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