Merchant’s Plain
"Money attracts all types of filth, just like flies to a carcass."
The largest city by far in the Known World is that of Merchant's Plain. This largest city is also the newest city in the land. What started as a caravan stop between four different cities quickly grew in power and influence as the hub of trade for the Known World. A lethal peacock of a city, the random nature of expanding rapidly has led to a haphazard growth that makes navigating it's alley's and streets an adventure in and of itself. Though the Merchants' Council exhibits control over the more macro economy of the city, there are far more nefarious hands that lay claim to the moneys that interchange hands in the shops and streets of the belly of Merchant's Plain. There are currently three major crime syndicates that are struggling for power in Merchant's Plain; the Black Angels, Das Tier, and the Rat Pack. Though there are three main gangs, there are other smaller gangs that work and try and snatch up what money and power that they can. But if a merchant is wiling to take a bit of risk and grease a few palms with coin, there is a chance for wealth to be had within the walls of Merchant's Plain.
Adelhard Hattendorf - Lord of Smiths
Reinhild Schöler - Lord of Textile
Wighard Edelmann - Lord of Food
Reinhild Schöler - Lord of Textile
Wighard Edelmann - Lord of Food
Everard Böhm - Lord of Tax
There's this foolhardy belief that tis only the syndicates tha' play dirty, but there's many a body in the canal thanks to those high an' mighty in the Palace!
This division of responsibility is one that is an extremely loose, which leads to much arguing and under the table dealings between the different lords of the council each trying to gain more and more power in their position. Members of the council are chosen by a vote of the entire Merchants Guild. These elections are filled with every form of corruption and underhanded dealing as is possible. The positions on the council are for life, though there hasn't ever been a member to serve until they pass of natural causes. Most either disappear or end up being imprisoned for corruption.
Though completely land-bound, the ever opportunistic Merchants' Council has built a river to allow the small coast-hugging merchant ships access with their wares straight into the City to trade. This was extremely unpopular with the cities of Nordstadt and Veksburg as this move cut out the tariffs of ships docking in and paying their tolls. With the development of piracy and bandits preying on merchants coming in and out of the channel there has arisen a belief that these bandits are sponsored by these two begrudging cities.
Large city
Included Locations
Owning Organization
The three major crime syndicates that are struggling for power in Merchant's Plain; the Black Angels, Das Tier, and the Rat Pack are a dangerous but necessary dealing for any wishing to do business in Merchant's Plain.
Someone who choses not to deal with syndicates is a quick way to end up with a knife in the ribs or a swim at the bottom of river with rocks tied to their feet.
History of Merchant's Plain