This simple crossroads between the southern plains had been long traveled, but over time developed into a small area to rest for the caravans and travelers that frequented the roads.
This simple crossroads between the southern plains had been long traveled, but over time developed into a small area to rest for the caravans and travelers that frequented the roads.
The first entrepreneur to build a tavern and market at the didn't fully understand what potential he had stumbled upon. After the tavern was finished and stalls started to be thrown up, there wasn't a night that the rooms at the establishment wasn't filled.
The founder of what would later become known as Merchant's Plain was the first lesson to any wishing to make a coin at the crossroads. That simple lesson is that a might financial empire is often lost with a small slip of a blade in between two ribs...
The oldest building Merchant's Plain started right after that infamous murder and has kept the tale alive for centuries.
The different guilds in the crime-ridden city finally came together to create a ruling body to protect the rule of law and secure future business ventures for all merchants coming to this new budding city.
The syndicates fought against any challenge to their power. Quickly seeing a chance to perhaps end the budding council as soon as it started, the Guild Palace was burned on the same day that it was completed.
After the destruction of the Guild Palace, the Merchants' Council took this chance to rebuild their headquarters on a mythic scale, flexing their full power for the entire world to see.
In an attempt to continue to build trade, the Merchants' Council voted to build a massive inland dock and connect it to the sea with a massive canal to the coast.