The Mother's Milk Apothecary Building / Landmark in The Known World: Over the Edge of Redoute | World Anvil

The Mother's Milk Apothecary

Located near the bustling Western Gate, the Mother's Milk Apothecary is one of the most unassuming buildings in the metropolis of Merchant's Plain. The faded sign hangs from a low, gnarled branch of a massively wide old tree. From the outside there doesn't appear to be any feasible entry. Though when one approaches and says the password "Mother, I need your help," the old trunk will open up to reveal a small antechamber with a broadly smiling woman with wild straw-colored hair.  


The druid Henrietta has been the guardian over the Mother Tree for as long as anyone can remember. Some histories show that she has been watching over the Mother Tree and any sick or afflicted since before the city grew and swallowed the forest it centered. Mother Henrietta has continued to care for both the massive tree as well as to take any and all who are in search of healing devotedly to the point that she is never seen far from the tree. She never charges for helping and will do all she can to aid those who are hurt or ill.  


The healing of the Mother Tree is a unique experience where one climbs through a knot like opening and down into the large, central vein-like phloem of the tree. The walls of this massive phloem vein are about three feet in diameter and contain a strange, green liquid that strangely still allows creatures to be able to breathe while fully submerged. This viscus liquid is able to heal those who are in it of any worldly injuries to both body and soul (length of time submerged depends upon the heal). Anything from bumps, bruises, diseases, and curses down to limb regrowth miraculously find themselves fully cured and healed. The healing ability of the Mother's Milk does have a draw back as repeated exposer will start to cause toxicity in the blood and patients will find that their own blood has become poison inside their veins. For this reason, Henrietta doesn't allow anyone to come and be healed more than once per month, which allows the body time to clear all traces of the sap from their body and be fully clean and able to handle another bath in Mother's Milk.
Alternative Names
The Mother Tree
Parent Location


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