The frontiersmen Eastern Kingdoms Timeline
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Eastern Kingdoms

This timeline is the overview of the Eastern Kingdoms, detailing their major phases and events. For more specific timelines, consult the others listed on the site.

  • Circa 2000BC
    Earliest Clues of Civilization

    Elven citadels dominated the known world. Humans in the Eastern Kingdoms lived atop the Red Veil mountains and used their magic to defend against the mythical monsters that were believed to roam below.

  • Circa 1800BC
    Mass Human Migration
    Population Migration / Travel

    As magical techniques evolved, and belief in the old stories of the monsters below faltered, the tribesmen started to descend from the mountains. Some would venture north, to the fertile valleys, and some would head south, to the warmth and pleasant oceans.

  • Circa 1700BC
    Human Tribes Settle

    Human tribes settling the Veilan and Yersi lands discovered great lands held by a multitude of fae, beastfolk and elves. The elves were disconcerted with the presence of a new race suddenly pouring forth from the mountains.

  • Circa 1600BC
    Racial War
    Military action

    Elves and humans started warring with one another. Many humans were driven west across the Vanodi strait.

  • Circa 1400BC
    Humans Invade Elven Lands
    Military action

    The propensity for human breeding allowed humans to overwhelm the elves with simple numbers, capturing some elven settlements.

  • Circa 1200BC
    Formation of the Suon Warlords
    Population Migration / Travel

    Settlers finally settling the southern lands of Suon start to form great, nomadic warrior tribes. They become known as the Warlords of Suon.

    Empire of Suon
    More reading
    Empire of Suon
  • Circa 1100BC
    Annihilation of the Southern Beastfolk
    Military action

    The Warlords of Suon - with their vast numbers, strong horses, and iron weapons - quickly drive out or exterminate the vast majority of native Beastfolk in Suon.

  • Circa 1000BC
    Era beginning/end

    With the emerging dominance of human civilization, literature and artwork, most scholars consider this date to be the start of Antiquity.

  • Circa 800BC to 400BC
    Warlords of Suon Conquer the Settlements of Yersia
    Military action

    Two hundred years see the Yersi tribes fight back weakly against the ravaging hordes of the Suon Warlords. By 400BC, the entire province now known as Yersia was completely annexed and under the thumb of Suon.

    More reading
  • Circa 800BC - 400BC
    The Elven Displacement

    Over four hundred years, the elves were pushed north, west and east by the Vallish human settlements. By 400BC there was little no to elven presence in the Eastern Kingdoms. Many fled across the Milkwater.

  • Circa 700BC
    Suon-Veilan Alliance

    The Warlords of Suon pledge their support to the Settlements north of the mountains (Modern day Eastern Red Veil) to help defeat the elves. Though the terms of the alliance were changed, annulled and renegotiated, for the better part of 300 years the two countries worked closely together.

  • Circa 400BC
    First King of Ertland, Thasson, Crowned.
    Political event

    With the defeat of the elves and plundering of their technology, the humans north of the mountains finally united under the leader of a great commander, Thasson, Slayer of the Last Elf Queen. He named their country Ertland.

  • Circa 200BC
    Empire of Suon Formed
    Political event

    The reason for the Warlords settling is debated. The most accepted argument was that it was for the lack of places to reave - Suon was now bordered by important trade allies to the north who were now outpacing them with feudalism, hedged in by the Milkwater, and threatened by powerful naval civilizations across their western seas.

    Empire of Suon
  • 0

    The Iron Age
    Technological achievement

    The modern calendar was invented in Letro, the Empire of Suon, by Radialmancers or Sun Mages. It consisted of twelve months of thirty days. The usefulness of the calendar quickly swept the Eastern Kingdoms and this technological achievement marks the start of the Iron Age.

  • 100

    Governors of the Yersi
    Political event

    The Emperor of Suon, distracted by his naval wars in the west, assigned several governors to oversee the Yersi settlements in place of his local leaders. The Emperor wanted to ensure there was no trouble in the north by having his own men in charge there. Despite having a common heritage, this change was immensely unpopular.

  • 201


    The Great Ravening
    Disaster / Destruction

    A particularly nasty few years of famine, wildfires and pestilence, decimated the Yersi food reserves. The Su governors insisted that the Emperor still be sent equal taxes and produce as the year before. Around 20% of the Yersi population starve or succumb to illness.

    More reading
    Empire of Suon
  • 205


    The Morsel Revolution

    Local groups of militia took over villages, then marched together on the towns to free themselves from the governors. Initial success was quelled when the Emperor turned all of his levies away from the constant naval raids on his west coast towards Yersia. However the pushback only inspired more rebels to rise. Production stopped almost entirely and pitched battles, sieges and skirmishes surrounded every part of Yersia.

  • 215

    Liberation of Fumo & Bellivino
    Military action

    The major pair of settlements were liberated within a year of each other, providing a strong line of defense against Suon's incursions. The Empire officially backed down, laying low to recuperate losses.

    More reading
  • 225

    Yersi Settements' Independence Ratified by Emperor of Suon
    Political event

    Following a decade or so of non-stop naval raids and pirate attacks, the Empire of Suon was weaker than it had ever been. With encouragement from Ertland, Suon agreed to officially recognize Yersia's independence if it observed a ten year period of tribute to Suon, providing arms and food as requested. Yersi landowners and governors accepted and Yersia was officially ratified as an independent state.

    More reading
    Empire of Suon
  • 350

    Red Veil Raids Ertland
    Military action

    Ertland was subject to wave after wave of raid and skirmishes between its own forces and those of the Kingdom to their West, the Kingdom of Red Veil.

    More reading
    Kingdom of Red Veil
  • 457


    The Wind War
    Military action

    Having spent a century recovering infrastructure and negotiating with the western pirates, a particularly ambitious Emperor set about "reclaiming the lost country", aka invading Yersia. They were repelled by the unification of the Yersi settlements into a kingdom and by the legendary Queen Falco Accordi - though the southern border of Yersia became and remained an ever contested wasteland of skirmish and battle.

  • 458

    Falco Accordi Elected as Queen by Yersi Settlements
    Political event

    With the Empire of Suon looming overhead again, the Yersi leaders called a convention. A young and talented noble warrior named Falco was chosen to lead, and thusly crowned as Queen under her new House of Accordi. She led her troops personally throughout the Wind War and beyond, even until old age.

  • 460


    The Age of a Thousand Festivals
    Cultural event

    The Royal House of Accordi ruled Yersia quite peacefully for almost a hundred years in which magical technology flourished and modern Yersi culture took a strong root.

  • 640

    Visions of the East
    Life, Supernatural

    King Alderin Thasson of Ertland has prophetic dreams of a land across the Milkwater. The dreams promise prosperity and wealth for Ertland, which is suffering from a famine.

  • 641


    Ertland Fleet Crosses the Milkwater
    Life, Relocation

    King Alderin of Ertland builds a fleet of ships out of Reneto, then captains them forwards, determined that he would return with wealth and treasure aplenty.

  • 642


    Ertland Regency
    Political event

    The bones of Alderin Thasson wash up on the beaches of Reneto, scorched clean of flesh and with a melted crown in the skull. A Regency council of lesser nobles forms for his son Foltis, lead by the Duke of Argo. Over this period of transition many rights and powers are carved from the monarchy and divided among the nobility.

  • 749

    King Foltis of Ertland Dies with No Successor
    Life, Death

    Upon his death, two claimants rose to claim power. The last member of House Thasson was his cousin, Lady Amaldi. However she had already married into the House of Montena. The Marshal, Neopaldi, contested her claim as he viewed House Montena as being too closely aligned with Yersi interests.

  • 750


    The War of a Thousand Traitors
    Military action

    Civil war broke out in Ertland, which would have rippling consequences across the continent. Lady Amaldi warred against the former king's marshal, Neopaldi, who wished to call a great conclave and elect a new ruler. The Dukes of Argo officially withdrew their support from either side. Amaldi technically won the conflict after besieging Nero, but she died spontaneously on the spot in Nero as she went to accept Neopaldi's surrender. This caused the war to drag on for another twenty years as Amaldi's son, Montegro Montena, took up her claim. Eventually this dispute was mediated by the Red Veil King at the behest of House Argo. In 802, after 48 years of war, the Red Veil King and the Conclave of Nobles declared Montegro as rightful King of Ertland. Many viewed Montegro as a puppet of Red Veil.

  • 803


    The Fifty Laws of the Fool
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    King Montegro Thasson-Montena of Ertland passes many laws over this period which gradually cede power over to Red Veil, starting with innocent laws about trading standards, and progressing to involving Red Veil in most decisions of state.

    More reading
    Kingdom of Red Veil
  • 840

    The Queen That Never Was
    Life, Relationship change

    When King Montegro the Foolish died, he left only one daughter, Princess Biacca. Under the management of the Veilan King, he organized Biacca's marriage to his third son, Prince Anasto. House Argo argued for this as it prevented further civil war with Red Veil managing their affairs. Biacca and Anasto were never formally crowned as King and Queen, which required the assent of Red Veil.

  • 842

    The End of Ertland's Era & The Start of the Middle Ages
    Political event

    With most of the functions of state going through Red Veil, and a huge debt in their mediation of the Traitors War, the Veilan King declares Anasto and Biacca as the Duke and Duchess of Nero. Ertland becomes "Eastern Red Veil" or the "Eastern Peninsula". Biacca, facing criticism from her noble peers, renounced her claim on Ertland, saying:  

    Tis a crown swallowed by a beast long for the making.

  • 870


    The Season of the Starfall
    Geological / environmental event

    The Empire of Suon incurred several years of meteor showers that rained down magical destruction upon the country. In response, the Guild of Shapers was formed by the Emperor to contain and exploit the cosmalite powering the meteors.

  • 1001

    Ertland People Consider Themselves "East Veilan"
    Cultural event

    After a hundred and fifty years, the people in Ertland's former territories consider themselves "East Veilan."

    More reading
  • 1010

    Milkwater Weakens
    Geological / environmental event

    Fishing ships from Reneto report to King Diernu Accordi of Yersia that they have slowly been able to start crossing the Milkwater, and recently sighted the land beyond. To prove this, they showed that water from the Milkwater only irritates the skin instead of burning it away.

  • 1011

    The Great Harbour of Bellivino
    Construction beginning/end

    King Diernu of Yersia instructs the construction of a Great Harbour in Bellivino and the construction of a new fleet to take explorers across the Milkwater. He dedicated the whole of his treasuries and time towards building the fleet, while also officially moves the royal court to Bellivino. This started a chain reaction among the Eastern Kingdoms to colonize the new land. Within a year the Harbour was mostly built and a nominal fleet of ships were sent to the Frontier.

    More reading
    The Frontier
  • 1012

    Kehl, Ginais and Hula Founded
    Construction beginning/end

    Yersia founded Ginais and Hula while Red Veil founded Kehl in the Frontier.

    Colony of Kehl
    More reading
    Colony of Ginais
  • 1013

    Novi, Lordirolly, Qorte, and Chevry Founded
    Construction beginning/end

    Yersia founded the settlements of Novi and Lordirolly. Red Veil founded the colonies of Qorte and Chevry.

    The Frontier
    More reading
    Frontier Folk
  • 1015

    Hula Destroyed by Beastfolk
    Disaster / Destruction

    The colony of Hula is destroyed by the beast tribes of the Southern Frontier.

    Colony of Hula
  • 1016


    The Aviary Formed

    Fearing a similar fate to Hula for his own colonies, the King of Red Veil forms a monster-hunting organization called the Aviary. The Aviary finds patronage globally within a short time, establishing bases in Fumo, Nilkea and the Frontier towns.

  • 1030

    Northern Independence
    Political event

    Isolated and rich, the Colonies of Qorte and Chevry combine their might to win independence from Red Veil. Many change their names from Veilan names, following new traditions. While Chevry won complete independence, Qorte accepted a status as a semi-autonomous vassal with its own governors.

    More reading
    Free City of Chevry
  • 1035

    Ripper Plague Decimates Novi
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Ripper Plague destroys the settlement of Novi. All trade and exploration heading south halted, save for the very daring or very stupid.

    Colony of Novi
  • 1040

    Su Warships Decimated by Plague
    Disaster / Destruction

    Late to the game, the Empire of Su's attempt to colonize the abandoned settlements of Novi and Hula were run afoul when the crews all contracted the Ripper Plague. Boats were sunk by other Su warships after news of contamination spread.

    Empire of Suon
  • 1043

    King Diernu Killed; Fianella Accordi Crowned.
    Life, Death

    Diernu Accordi, King of Yersia, dies at Lordirolly during a particularly well-organized raid of Beastfolk. His daughter, Fianella, succeeded him.

    More reading
    Fianella Accordi
  • 1044

    Queen Finanella Agrees to Regency
    Life, Education

    Despite being old enough to rule independently, members of Fianella's court convince her to accept a one year regency. Though initially hesitant, she agrees that she might need more practice in the ways of statecraft.

    More reading
    Fianella Accordi
  • 1045

    Yersi Traitors Executed After Regency Dispute
    Political event

    As Fianella's regency came to an end, members of Fianella's court attempted to spirit her away to Fumo and lock her away. The plot was foiled and Fianella had conspirators executed - including close friends, a cousin, and the Grandmaster of the Aviary.

    More reading
    Fianella Accordi
  • 1049

    Aviary Abolished

    After their involvement in intrigue, as well as refusing direct commands from both King Capano and Queen Fianella, the monarchs jointly abolish the Aviary organization. Rumours abound that it secretly fled underground and remains present throughout the Eastern Kingdoms.

  • 1050

    Wreath's Edge Destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

    The last refuge of the Mist Elves in the Eastern Kingdoms is destroyed. The forest is partially burned in the attack.

    Wreath's Edge
  • 1058


    The War of Feints
    Military action

    Increasingly agitated by his neighbors reaping the benefits of the Frontier, the Emperor of Su attacks Ginais. While a blockade is formed there, Yersi troops infiltrate Suon and start besieging the capital, Letro. The Emperor returns his fleet and a short peace agreement is hashed out between the nations.

    Colony of Ginais
    More reading
    Empire of Suon
  • 1060

    Present Day
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A new year dawns over the Eastern Kingdoms as heroes step up, tensions stir in the Frontier, and the shadow of a devastating war threatens the homelands.

  • 1060



    Destruction of the Aviary

    Working for Arento Argo, Juyliette, Lith Steppe and Alium Figura destroy The Aviary in Argo. They discover that its leader was Ardeth of Argo, Arento's half sister. The three slay Ardeth and have most of the conspirators in the city rounded up. Without leadership, the Aviary crumbles and devolves into pockets of individually acting agents.

  • 1060


    Mirror of Blood shattered

    The Mirror of Blood was recovered and protected following the downfall of the Aviary. Juyliette, Carlo Randolo, Keso Meechehsow and Alium Figura brought the mirror to Lordirolly and the Frontiersmen. They directed the group to the 'The Forge of Batu', where Amelia Argo believed the party could find the tools to destroy the mirror. In the Forge, they found Renard Cavendish and Eli Kadwell. They worked together to use the power of the Wellspring buried there to destroy the mirror once and for all, and prevent the largest and most powerful of the Reflectional Realms merge with reality.

  • 1060



    Frontiersmen Gains New Recruits
    Gathering / Conference

    Following their actions in destroying the mirror, Juyliette, Alium Figura and Renard Cavendish swore vows and joined the Frontiersmen. They were joined in class by Magnhild.

  • 1060

    15 /10

    Wall of Light & The Souring
    Disaster / Destruction

    A magical Wall of Light burns down the western coast of the Frontier. It mostly destroys the Colony of Ginais and the Colony of Kehl. It leaves the Scorch burned into the landscape. At the same time, The Milkwater sours. Its acid grows intensely powerful and all the fleets of the colonies sink.