Colony of Ginais Settlement in The Frontiersmen | World Anvil
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Colony of Ginais

Named after the famous concubine of a Yersi king, Ginais lies at the mouths of the River Lordirolly. The colony was built on the middle island around these mouths, with a seafront harbour on its west, river traffic docks on its east, and surrounding farmsteads on the hills nearby drawn as close as they can get to the city.


In 1012 at the Colony's founding, King Diernu Accordi named House Gallante the Lordship of Ginais. It is now held by Lady Gennara Gallante, a buxom woman who is known for her warm and comradely nature.


There are several wooden watchtowers from which Yersi spellslingers and archers keep watch. The rivers have heavy wooden bridges that can be withdrawn, meaning any raiding force would have to attack through the rivers.


Plaza of the Hanging Hopes

The central plaza of Ginais is very much built in the spirit of Yersia. It is paved with smooth yellow sandstone. Its buildings are pastel and sprawling, a little haphazardly, and containing a tavern, playhouse, brothel and several shops. A market is almost permanently here, with transient vendors.   At the center of the plaza is the Faepact Hope Tree; a sprawling, towering oak that has messages of unity tied to its branches. The tree is protected by a small colony of fairies.   Golderoy's Lament: A bustling Yersi-style tavern in a pastel pink stone building serving sweet wines and fruit cocktails.   Finechantment A good quality Magitechnician selling various finer enchanted items.      

Outer Town

  The ring of buildings surrounding the plaza are the regular buildings made from lacquered wood. They are the regular folks' homes and warehouses. The outer town pushes up against the two river mouths.   One such building is set aside in its own small, gated compound: The Eternity Conclave of the Oscillators. The tall, seven storied tower is adorned with a copper dome and clock. Its lower three stories are wider, containing windows and rooms for the researchers of the Oscilators.   Nuts and Lightning Bolts: A rickety Magitechnician's shop next to the blacksmith's. No houses nearby. They catch on fire too easily.  


The docks form a united line on Ginais' westerly coast, and run up the length of the Lordirolly River mouths. They provide ample transport across the Milkwater, as well as river transport and trade.  

Brave Farms

The farmlands lie outside of the town proper in land that was traditionally raided by the beastfolk, hence the name. The Brave Farms have been left alone lately due to Ginais' pacts with nearby beastfolk tribes and fae.


Ginais contains many magical artifacts sent from Lordirolly to be sold in Ginais and across the sea in Yersia.


A New Colony (1012-1060)

Settled in 1012 by the King of Yersia, the site was chosen for its verdant farmland. It was awarded to Lord Gallante as a Lordship (Gennara Gallante's father).
Lord Gallante, and his daughter Genarra, built Ginais as a hub of trade and integration. Ginais was home to many races of the Frontier and was considered the safest place there aside from perhaps the Free City of Chevry 

The Frontier Alliance (1060)

The colony was hit by a magical disaster known as The Wall of Light, destroying over half of it. Residents soon starved as winter set in. Though Governor Gennara Gallante joined the Frontier Alliance emerging as a response to unknown magical aggression, Ginais suffered and starved with the Frontiersmen unable to source a consistent amount of food.  

The Deep Elf War (1060)

Ginais contributed its remaining fighting forces to the war effort of the Frontiersmen against the The Risen Empire of the Deep Elves, though they were stationed in Ginais during the early phases of the war.    With trade cut off to Yersia, and the Wall of Light destroying granaries and warehouses, Ginais starved. Many fled the colony for Colony of Kehl, which was flourishing under new trade agreements with the Twisthorn Tribe. Many Ginais folk were slain along the roads, fled into the woods, or otherwise left the desolate town which soon fell into disrepair.
85% Yersi, 13% Beastfolk, 2% fae
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