The Risen Empire of the Deep Elves Organization in The Frontiersmen | World Anvil
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The Risen Empire of the Deep Elves

And there upon the horizon, a score of dark and gold - elves of two colors - with something terrible burning in their eyes. It was rage. A fury of a race long forgotten, marching towards doom under a pointed crescent moon. At their head - a twisted god of flame controlled by a crystal.   - The Deep Threat, A War Chronicle: by Parchie
  The Risen Empire of the Deep Elves, or simply the Deep Elf Empire, was a realm located in the eastern Frontier and emergent in mid 1060. As of Winter 1060, they were destroyed by the Frontier Alliance, lead by the Frontiersmen.   Government: Absolute monarchy, led by the resurrected Kinraeth.   Status: Independent   Associated Regions: Elbantire   Provinces: Luxadore   Known Allies: Kingdom of the Waterstormer Fae, The Argian Knights   Known Enemies: Frontiersmen, Kingdom of Red Veil, Kingdom of Yersia, Colony of Kehl, Colony of Ginais, Kingdom of the Silverstrike Fairies, Twisthorn Tribe

Public Agenda

The Risen Empire has a deeply militaristic anti-human ideology. They seek the removal, if not subjugation, of humans in The Frontier.


The Risen Empire was destroyed by the Frontiersmen and their Alliance in the Winter of 1060 following a series of defeats in Oppestra and Bruaic Shein. Kinraeth was killed, the sun elves' reflectional realm destroyed, and the Empire, which was only recently united, was destroyed.

1060 - 1060

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Deep Elf Empire

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