Sand Dragon Species in The Fantasy Nexus | World Anvil

Sand Dragon

  "Elsewhere, it would be different, but you're in the desert now. All that you see is our domain. Underneath you are hundreds of my brethren, all waiting for their next meal. I would tread lightly, if I were you."   -Dustclaw, sand dragon
Sand dragons are a species of dragon, and one of the seventeen main dragon types.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Sand dragons live exclusively in the desert, most notably Saehirus.


Sand dragons are a very shy, quiet race of dragon. They live mostly isolated in the desert or in small sand dragon communities. Even though they might not always show it, sand dragons like company and will offer travelers temporary shelter from the desert and sandstorms that might occur. Sand dragons get along well with poison dragons and rock dragons.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Saehirus, as well as other desert areas

Average Intelligence

Higher than human

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Magic Detection: Like all dragons, sand dragons have the ability to sense magic users or magic being used.
  • Omnilingualism: Like all dragons, sand dragons have the ability to fluently speak and understand all languages.
  • Paralytic Venom: Via the barb on the end of their tail.
  • Psammokinesis: Sand dragons have the ability to use sand magic.
  • Sand Breath: Sand dragons can unleash a stream of sand from their mouth, and can control it, using it to attack or grab people or objects.
  • Sand Swimming: Sand dragons can burrow and move through sand as easily as if it was water. They can hold their breath a very long time, and may stay under the sand for hours.
  • Venomous Stinger Tail
  • Vibration Detection: Sand dragons can sense the slightest movement or vibration on the surface of the sand while they are underneath it. This helps them attack prey from underneath.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Sometimes, rock dragons settle down in the desert and end up living with sand dragons.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Like all dragons, sand dragons can speak all languages fluently.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Draconis sabulum
8,000-10,000 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
14-17 ft (4.3-5.2m)
Average Weight
13.5-15 mt (29,775-33,075 lbs)
Average Length
30-40 feet (9-12m)
Geographic Distribution
65-98 feet (20-30m)